Saturday, April 10, 2010
Dismantling America To Achieve Collapse - Just Like Europe
By Douglas V. Gibbs
How is it that 234 years of success, 234 years of getting it right and becoming the most prosperous nation on the planet, turned out to be wrong according to the Democrats? How is it that they came to the conclusion that everything that has worked to make this an exceptional nation ought to be changed? Why has the wealthiest nation in modern civilization come to the conclusion that we'd be better off acting like the failing nations of Europe, rather than continuing to be unique and exceptional? Why are we opting for the opportunity to destroy 234 years of liberty that we have enjoyed as Americans due to the wise concept of a limited federal government?
Today, our society refuses to celebrate all that is right with America, and instead prefers to trumpet our defects and virtues. We have all but destroyed the family unit, have morphed responsible immigration into a disastrous open door policy that endangers the stability and sovereignty of the United States, and we have failed to recognize Islam's itinerary which includes colonizing Europe and America by invading our shores with the sheer volume of numbers that is cultivated by massive immigration and higher birth rates.
We have gone from being a society of rugged individuals that work hard with tons of self-respect to a civilization full of feminized girly-men prioritizing their lives around the immoral whims of a society demanding rights that are not rights, and entitlements from cradle to grave.
While standing in line to fill out a form in order to receive our next entitlement from "Obama's Stash," we have allowed ourselves to be maneuvered into a position of giving concessions to a primitive enemy from the desert that worships a pagan moon god, and spreads their venomous ideology by the sword.
Government in the West, meanwhile, has delegated itself to the status of god, while working to create a massive underclass of dependents that will only vote for the leftist politicians that dish out gifts from the treasury. The god of governmental entitlements promises the multitudes "free" health care (paid for by the last remaining capitalists that dare to make a profit), but in the plan the "benefits" won't start for four years because they need to spend the first quartet of years gathering funds with massive taxation schemes so that it won't seem so expensive - and then they tell everybody, just for kicks, that the massive bureaucracy is somehow deficit neutral. Meanwhile, the folks that voted for Obama in hopes for free government health care are showing up at clinics, confused as to why they can't get yet another freebee from the government.
As a society we are no longer concerned about the things that should be of primary concern. We have abandoned important functions like national defense, self-reliance, a strong family unit, and protecting our babies from the murderous blade of brutal barbarism from conception to adulthood, for government handouts. We would rather sit at home and wait for a welfare check than burn our own path in the sand. And our children, should they survive the threat of abortion, are tossed into government-run indoctrination centers all day, and then we sit them in front of leftist television programming in the evening, because we just can't be bothered to take the time to raise them ourselves. We are too busy standing in line at the medical clinic wondering why we aren't getting our free Obamacare, yet.
Welfare checks and self-gratifying impulses have become the opiate of the masses. We ask government to take the elderly off our hands, and then claim to be compassionate about it all. We don't want to call what the government plans for the elderly "death panels," but we have no problem handing the life-and-death decisions of all citizens over to government bureaucrats because a slick-talking politician in the White House claims to do otherwise would be disastrous. We ignore the primal impulses of survival, and we have gladly traded in our God-given self-preservation motivators for the temporary satisfaction of a present-tense culture that seeks total self-absorption, has a fascination with death, and prances about in a circus of entertainment performed by a bunch of limp-wristed, cross-dressing, side show freaks.
We have somehow decided that over two centuries of success, based largely upon the fact that we have refused to be like Europe, is 234 years of selfishness. Therefore, we now have the desire to set aside the greatness of America so that we may step into the same bottomless abyss that European culture has been writhing in. With the help of the liberal left, we are now working to become more like the same Europe that has produced such fine leaders as Finland's radically weak prime minister Paavo Lipponen, who said in 2002, "The EU must not develop into a military superpower but must become a great power that will not take up arms at any occasion in order to defend its own interests."
Europeans have become hooked on unaffordable levels of social programs which in the end will hand those countries over to any enemy that wishes to redefine their culture by the sword. Greece is facing total societal collapse, yet the citizens are in the streets rioting because they paid their high taxes, and they want their benefits - even if it destroys the Greek economy and the nation collapses as a result.
Social Democratic governance is mired by paradox. In an attempt to compassionately give to the needy through government programs the entire system destroys itself from within to the point that it can give to nobody. High taxes and big government is welcomed as a bringer of freedom as it eliminates choice. Anyone demanding lower taxes, and a limited government, is somehow considered to be a selfish bigot with no compassion. Welfare programs that keep the poor down are heralded as "the right thing to do." Encouraging those folks on the government dole to rise out of the conditions of dependency-on-government, and seizing the opportunities of a free society offers, is considered by the Leftists to be racist hate-mongering extremists. To encourage self-reliance, rather than sitting in poverty waiting for the next government check, is considered by the Left to be uncaring, and an accusation that the Right believes the poor are somehow all just a bunch of lazy people. Liberals, instead, desire to not only keep those enslaved to the government entitlement programs exactly where they are with no hope of escape, but to make more of the population mindless zombies waiting in a welfare line with their hand out. Anyone suggesting the government is not the solution must be stopped by government intervention, and are a bunch of right wing radicals.
The Left considers their ability to force the masses into poverty an appeal to moral virtue. They call for economic equity that results in all citizens being equally miserable. Share and share alike, they say, even if it means stealing from the successful, and handing it to the poor so that their drive to be successful too is slaughtered on the steps of a kinder, gentler, compassionate society controlled by a massive government bureaucracy.
It turns out that true selfishness is created by liberalism, a madness the Europeans have suffered under in the name of social democracy. The American Democrats are attempting to instill in the United States a compassionate communitarianism that the Left believes is the wave of the future - but that same compassionate ideology is so kindly demonstrating in Greece at this very moment that the kind of governmental system that allows folks to enjoy the fruits of government health care, and similar socialist policies, indoctrinates the people to the point that the citizens stop caring about the general social interest. The selfish citizen stops producing, ceases to achieve, and instead waits for his next entitlement payment, even if it means bankrupting the government, and destroying any chance for future generations to live in a society that resembles any kind of normalcy. A failed, collapsed nation is on the horizon for those in Greece that are on the government dole, but the Greek citizen has decided that since the government has realized it can't keep sending checks until the day he dies, he must run out into the streets and protest his government for daring to march toward its inevitable collapse.
The basic instincts of survival have been handed over to the government. The Leftist has general accepted that the government should run everything that is inconvenient, or is going up in price. The average citizen demands that government stay out of their way when it comes to keeping their own ability to choose what video game to buy, what porno to watch, and how many tattooes they can plaster on their body, but health care (which encompasses life-or-death decisions) is too much to be bothered with, and the decisions must be handed over to the government.
While the government cannot even fiscally afford to carry the burden of these governmental programs, the moral implications are staggering. While handing over all things to the government, the average citizen is becoming too soft to find the strength to stand up to the rise of tyranny from within, or the more barbaric invasion of cheering Muslims seeking the opportunity to ensure a glorious victory over the Great Satan. While European systems are collapsing under the enormous weight of Leftist bureaucracy, simultaneously handing over their cultures to invading Islamic immigrants who are pumping out three times as many kids as the natives, Americans are demanding that we follow a system of socialism more like Europe so that we can be just like them.
-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary
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