Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Turns Out Rangel is Unethical - Who'd Have Thought?

By Douglas V. Gibbs

Time to watch Article I, Section 5, Clause 2 in action (wow, one of the few times the U.S. Congress actually gives a flying hoot about the U.S. Constitution). For those of you not familiar, that's the clause that says "Each House may determine the Rules of its Proceedings, punish its Members for disorderly Behavior, and with the Concurrence of two thirds, expel a Member."

And Chuck Rangel is in a heap of sh. . . you know what I mean.

The New York Democrat has violated ethics rules, and may be subject to a Congressional trial.

Well, with the election coming, so much for the Democrats trying to look honest . . . oh, wait, they are naturally a bunch of unethical liars - it's just that Rangel got discovered.

The Democrats see this as a disaster, and Rangel (if this does come to a trial) is a goner.

The allegations is a list of typical Democrat corruption. You know, shady financial dealings (I bet there is some bribery in there somewhere too!), and spending the people's money in a way that is. . . well, downright criminal.

Whatever happens, the Democrat Party leadership knows this is bad news, and I am sure they are trying to keep this from becoming too noisy. They really don't want to get rid of him, but do they have a choice? If they do, it will be (even with this leftist group of liars in the media) all over the press. If they don't, it will be yet another example of the Democrats condemning others, but circling the wagons around their own.

Rangel is acting as if he's done nothing wrong, and that stepping aside is the last thing he plans to do. "I'm in the kitchen and I am not walking out," he said at one point.

This is yet another example of what the voters are sick of. Politics as usual, and the establishment protecting their cock-roaches. Rangel is providing an image of what the voters are sick of, and the Democrats are looking to protect him.

This is a dangerous thing for the Democrats, with a November mid-term election coming that they already are looking at losing the House and the Senate to the Republicans in.

The cesspool of Washington has surfaced, and if the Democrats don't take care of business and send him on his way, they are all guilty of being unethical.

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

Democrat's Charlie Rangel Problem - Washington Post

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