Friday, January 28, 2011

Alexya Santi Gibbs, a Beautiful Baby Girl

I took this picture about 35 minutes after little Alexya was born. Her middle name, Santi (Sawn-tee) is a variation of her great-grandfather's name, Santiago. Alexya is the daughter of my son, Christopher, and his wife, Johanna. This is their second child, and my third grandkid.

Alexya was born at 5:05 pm tonight, and she was 6 lbs., 10 oz., and 18.75 inches long.

I was on my way home from work when she was born, and was blessed with the marvelous opportunity to see her thirty minutes after she was born. I am the first family member, aside from Alexya's parents, to get to see her. I gave her a little kiss, and then bid farewell until tomorrow.

Being Grandpa is a good thing.

Thank you for all of your well wishes. My radio listeners will remember that Joey was having false labor contractions last Saturday, and we have been in anticipation of Alexya's arrival all week.

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News, Commentary, and tidbits about grandchildren. . .

1 comment:

  1. Awww. Yay, New people!
    Congrats to you, sir and Happy Birthday to little Alexya.

    That is a blessing, especially after the reading I had to do for my show last week. Thank you for sharing.
