Wednesday, March 30, 2011

EU Carbon Cutting Master Plan: Ban Cars

By Douglas V. Gibbs

The make-believe hoax of man-made global warming is losing steam with the people, but lusting for power over the people, the governments of the world are continuing forward with "save the planet" propositions. In London, and various other cities around Europe, the environmental power grab has escalated to the point that they are considering banning cars in the hopes of cutting their carbon dioxide emissions by 60 percent before 2050.

The plan includes shifting people from an individual mode of travel like a car into a collectivist mode of travel like rail, and other public transportation options.

Part of the strategy to make this happen is to use punitive taxation on fuel that will literally force people from their cars. In other words, they wish to punish drivers for not changing their behavior using government tactics that would result in giving people no other choice.

Sound a little authoritarian to you? Perhaps the memory of Hitler and the Soviet Union has faded faster than we realize.

Of course such a plan is not only oppressive, but is economically disastrous. That kind of restriction on mobility is designed to force people to remain in the population centers. Such a restriction would compromise economic competitiveness, while spending money they don't have on alternative conveyances that people would rather not use.

An even bigger part of the equation is the assumption that in 2050 the local populace would even be willing to live in such a tight-boxed society. These leaders assume that forty years from now the demographics will remain the same, and that government on a centralized scale as they are suggesting would work more efficiently than individuals driving themselves to their destinations.

Problem is, as good as they may think it looks on paper, the truth is that the demographics in Europe will likely be very different than they are today. Besides, the very nature of government is not to improve on such systems, but actually do things worse, and slower.

9/11 was a great example on the failure of the federal government, and the triumph of local agencies. What worked that day was the small, localized municipal government: Firemen, NYPD, and rescue workers. What failed was the federal government, from the FAA to the INS, to the intelligence agencies. So how, in God's name, can these people believe that kicking individuals out of their vehicles so that they can ride in government controlled transportation be a good thing?

The bureaucratic culture in Europe wishes to contain the nimble and innovative citizenry, forcing the people into becoming a bunch of controlled subjects in an overbearing governmentally controlled system by shifting the power from individuals to government. They wish to supplant human judgment with government management. They are working to run our lives from cradle to grave.

Not only does centralized government in the fashion the Left is trying to create not work, but Europe won't have a willing populace for much longer to push around anyway. With the idiotic system of multiculturalism in place, the native Europeans are quite literally handing off their societies to whoever makes the most babies.

Western elites have been trying to convince us to celebrate all cultures, and deny our own. To keep the other groups happy we have been told that we must regulate our free expression. By doing that, we might as well fly the white flag. The Islamification of the West is being accomplished gradually, through the births of children by seemingly law-abiding Muslims that, if faced with the choice in the end, will gladly welcome an Islamification of the West.

By 2050, cars will not be totally banned as today's political elites wish because the majority population will need those cars to transport the bombs they plan to use on the elite's few remaining grandchildren.

And at this point the liberal readers of Political Pistachio are recoiling. That is why the Leftists call it a war on terror, rather than name the enemy. To the progressive mind the very concept of "the enemy" is obsolescent. There are no enemies to the Left, just people whose grievances we haven't appeased yet, just groups we have not accommodated yet, just dictators we haven't sat with diplomatically without any expectations from them.

While the Islamists bomb us, the Left is working to try and figure out what we did to make those terrorists mad. We have become a civilization that feels guilty about everything, and lack the energy and conviction to defend ourselves.

As the Left convinces itself there is no enemy, the enemy is taking root in Western Society. As the Left convinces itself that society will be no different in forty years, Islam is working to make sure the European countries are Islamic theocracies by then. While the liberal left is working to ban cars to save the planet, they fail to arm tanks to save themselves from the coming wave of Islamic terror.

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

EU to ban cars from cities by 2050 - U.K. Telegraph

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