Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Collectivism, and the Price of Gas

By Douglas V. Gibbs

I heard a commentator on a liberal radio station say that as the price of gasoline rises, drivers are not filling up their tanks all the way. Faced with the higher prices, people are increasingly opting to ride the bus, train, and other available forms of public transportation.

During the presidency of George W. Bush, the price of gas similarly rose to four bucks a gallon, and the same American media, and leftist community, was pointing fingers and accusing the GOP of the horrible circumstances. The Republicans, in response, began to talk about drilling for oil domestically, and the very threat of the United States drilling for its own oil forced down the international prices.

As gas prices began to creep down again, Democrats began to talk about taxing fuel so that the prices returned to $4.00 per gallon, arguing that Americans had proven they could adjust to higher prices, and that the government needed the revenue. Revenue, however, was not their primary reason for making the argument. The truth is much more insidious.

Now that gasoline prices have returned to four dollars, and are predicted to reach five dollars sometime during the summer, rather than point accusatory fingers at Congress, or the President, the liberal left has decided to shrug and say, "Oh, well, that's just the way it goes."

In truth, the American liberal left is getting exactly what it wants. Prices are high, people can't afford to drive, and the President is suggesting to Americans that they trade in their gas guzzlers for a more fuel efficient vehicle. I'm surprised Obama didn't add, "or ride the bus."

Coincidentally (as if there is such a thing as a coincidence when it comes to Democrats), there has been a strong push for rail projects around the country over the last couple years.

We are told that the liberal reasoning ties into the "need" to use "greener" technologies in order to "save the planet." But the reality of the Left's agenda goes deeper than that.

We are locking horns in an age-old epic struggle between collectivism and individualism. Collectivism places community over the individual, and individualism believes that it is the individual that builds a successful, and prosperous, society. Collectivism calls productivity for profit "greed," while individualism calls it achievement. Collectivism strives for uniformity among all members of society (except for the elite ruling class, of course), and individualism recognizes that though we should be equal in the eyes of God, and the law, we are all very unique in our talents, and ability to be self-reliant. Collectivism seeks to control the populace with regulations, and by placing them in government controlled modes of conveyance. Individualism seeks to encourage independent production by limiting the role of government, and enabling the individual to establish his own path to happiness and wealth through one's own personal choices. Collectivism says you are merely a cog in a much larger machine. Individualism says you are autonomous, and capable of making your own choices.

The Left lies to you because they think you are stupid, and unable to think for yourself, and that is why today Obama will lie to you in his speech, as he hints that the Democrats have no choice but to raise taxes.

The liberals see you as nothing more than a mindless glob of goo in a large homogeneous mass, and only the political elite is able to recognize what is best for you. . . and they will mold society through regulations, taxes, and the manipulation of the economy.

You're better off, as is the collective community, they reason, if you travel in their buses and trains, rather than independently driving a car as an individual - making choices on where you should go. They are even willing to jack up the gas prices (instead of drilling domestically, which would reduce the price of gasoline) in order to make it too difficult for you to remain in your car. They want you out of your car.

The sixth plank of the Communist Manifesto reads: Centralization of the means of communications and transportation in the hands of the State.

They desire to limit your travel.

That's why they hate the Tea Party. They can't control it.

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

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