Friday, April 29, 2011

Royal Wedding Coverage. . . Who Cares?

By Douglas V. Gibbs

The billboard read, "Royal Wedding All This Week!"

All week? Doesn't overkill make people sick of things?

I am not impressed over the wedding, nor do I care. These people still sneeze, puke, crap and wipe their nose like the rest of us. They are nothing special to me, and I could care less about their wedding.

Sure, I hope they do well, and that this is a match made in heaven - but I will leave the details up to them. I have better things to do than to drool in front of a television, wishing I was a royal, or acting excited over the dress the bride wears, or the attitude of the groom, or whatever else catches folk's fancies.

Luckily, I'm not one to watch much television. My TV comes on for football, baseball, and UFC - with an occassional stint into hockey, basketball, Fox News, or Firefly. You know. . . the important stuff.

Therefore, I have not been bombarded with that bloody royal wedding.

Thank God.

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

1 comment:

  1. leofric12:48 PM

    Nearly eight out ten women asked in the uk,would not marry into the royal family,too damn difficult!and it killed Diana.
    On the other hand,an event that ensures the succession of an acceptable ,apolitical representative(allbeit unelected)is part of our heritage.
    Taking place inside a thousand year old abbey,the very place where William the bastard (the norman)took the english crown for his own and started a regime of unrestrained brutality and murder.
    That`s not drooling,that`s history and politics. Are you confusing Britain with disneyland? ;)
    Of course the greatest bonus for british culture will be the eclipsing of various anti-royalist movements.
    You know the ones i mean,like the socialists,communists,anarchists, the labour party and those bloody british republicans.We`re safe for another generation,phew!
    I part own the royal family.
    Well worth the dollar fifteen a year they cost me.
    Ta ta for now.

    Heartfelt commiserations regarding the tornados that have ripped gashes in your wonderful country,the news here said maybe six hundred souls lost,thats terrible,all the best.
