Saturday, October 29, 2011

Cold Weather Bears Down on Northeast, Occupy Protesters to Dig In

By Douglas V. Gibbs

As the end of October approaches, so does an early winter storm. The American East Coast is expecting a snowstorm that is the earliest snowstorm since the Civil War.

This nor'easter has already been dropping snow on Massachusetts, Vermont, and New York. This storm is expected to hammer Virginia and West Virginia with the heaviest snow, while also dropping a significant amount of the white stuff on eastern Pennsylvania and southeastern New York state, northwestern New Jersey, northern Connecticut, Massachusetts and southern New Hampshire.

In New England, where six inches of snow has already fallen, there is also expected to be powerful winds.

This storm has already dumped snow across the United States, hitting Colorado with cold and snowy weather that wound up putting some Occupy protesters in the hospital with hypothermia.

The Occupy protesters plan to weather the winter storms. They call it their Valley Forge. I call it a feeble attempt at a Marxist Revolution.

The free-loading duped generation are stockpiling donated coats, blankets and scarves, while trying to secure cots and military-grade tents. They are asking the homeless people for survival tips - you know, those same people the "spread the wealth around" occupy protesters refused to share their food with.

The expectation is that as the temperature drops, the number of demonstrators is likely to drop.

There has been some suggestions to move indoors, such as to foreclosed homes. Never mind the law. These people don't care if they trespass. Some of the occupiers suggest that moving indoors is not a good idea - what good is a protest if it is outside the public eye?

Then again, do these people really remain on site?

A number of reports indicate that some New York City Occupy protesters have been leaving their tents at night and fleeing to a local hotel, or local homes of friends and acquaintances, for better accommodations. There’s evidence of something similar going on in London.

In London, thermal imaging pictures show that the tents at the Occupy camp near St. Paul’s Cathedral are nearly empty at night.

They want you to believe they have convictions, but it is a big charade.

For those that do decide to brave the foul weather, campfires will likely not be an option, considering municipal safety regulations. In New York, authorities on Friday hauled away gasoline cans and six generators being used for the kitchen, emergency lights and media equipment. Mayor Michael Bloomberg called them a safety hazard.

Some activists have used a Quaker community center where they can shower and thaw out in common rooms.

They say they plan to stand firm - when they aren't fighting among themselves.

Once upon a time there were activists in America who wanted to change the United States into something it was never meant to be. . .

"The United States will eventually fly the Communist Red Flag. . . The American People will hoist it themselves." - Nikita Khrushchev, November 16, 1956.

These people are no more than tools, acting out in the manner they were programmed to.

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

Northeast Braces for October Snow with up to four inches predicted in some areas - U.K. Daily Mail

Wall Street protesters prepare for winter weather - Associated Press

Occupy Wall Street kitchen staff protesting fixing food for freeloaders - New York Post

Report: Fights erupt among Occupy Wall Street protesters - USA Today

1 comment:

  1. Sometime last night or earlier today, Maryland got a bit of snow, maybe about an inch. I spent most of today in North Carolina and Virginia, watching the Virginia Tech/Duke football game and then driving home. While visiting the Duke campus, I actually found "Occupy Duke", which consisted to two tents and a blindfold on the statue of James Buchanan Duke, the school's founder.
