Friday, October 28, 2011

Ohio Democrat Sues Over Election Loss

By Douglas V. Gibbs

File this one under "You've Got To Be Kidding Me."

A liberal democrat from Ohio, Steve Driehaus, is suing the people who defeated him in his reelection bid to Congress. His claim of damages is that he is suffering because of his "loss of livelihood."

The lawsuit is against the Susan B. Anthony List, a prolife group who backs prolife candidates for Congress. So, since Driehaus lost a congressional race, he is suing.

What is truly amazing is that the case was allowed to go forward, based on the opinion of U.S. District Court judge Timothy S. Black, an Obama appointee.

And if Driehaus wins his case?

Do democrats now think they are entitled to their congressional seats?


-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

Failed Democrat Pol Sues Critics Over Election Loss - U.S. News and World Report

1 comment:

  1. This judge muust have gotten his law degree from a mail order school on the back of a matchbook cover, but then being an Obama appointee would explain that as well.
