Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Angry Liberal Middle Finger

By Douglas V. Gibbs

The liberal left is an angry lot. They shout, spew profanity, and spread hate far and wide. Then, they project all of their anger upon their opposition, and accuse the "rightwing" of being what they are.

I experienced one of those typical hatred-filled liberal attacks recently while standing at the edge of a parking garage at the local mall.

As sometimes happens, I was on the road to pick up my wife from her place of employment, which she gained over a year ago (less than a month after our youngest finally moved out), while also co-hosting the Founding Truth radio program that Loki and I produce for the purpose of spreading the important details of the United States Constitution. Loki and I were talking about various points of the Constitution, and history, and in fact was discussing the democrat party's racist history, when a woman walked by me, paused, and listened for a while.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw that she had paused, and I noticed when she walked away, approached her car, and pulled out of her parking space. I turned my attention back towards the roadway and my conversation when the woman's car pulled out of the parking garage, and made a left onto the roadway so that she would drive right in front of me with the driver's side window facing me. As she passed, with the window down, she let out a hysterical fit of laughter, and then fully extended her arm in my direction so as to show me her middle finger, of which she did not pull back into the car until our eyes were no longer able to remain connected.

No conservative, after hearing a liberal spew their leftist nuttiness, would resort to such an angry, vile, hateful display.

My first thought was, "Whatever happened to the days of when democrats claimed they would defend anybody's right to their opinion?"

The new liberals apparently believe in ridiculing their opposition into silence, or something like that.

It is interesting, really, how angry they are. The ideology is an angry one, but also feeds on anger.

Conservative optimism and hope for the future must drive them nuts.

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

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