Saturday, February 18, 2012

Constitution Radio, Bob Rinear of to Discuss $25 Billion Bank Settlement


Bob Rinear of will be joining me today on Constitution Radio at 2:00 pm Pacific at  We will be discussing the stock market, the $25 billion Bank Settlement, and the possible coming economic crash.

After the interview I will explain why the Payroll Tax Cut is not a Tax Cut.

The Book of the Week is a 1942 book that will stun you. . . telling of a group changed forever by World War II ripping through their neighborhood.

Constitution Corner wraps up the Preamble.

And then we will be joined by JASmius for the 5 Big Stories of the Week:

5 Big Stories of the Week, February 18, 2012

Honorable Mention: Leftist Establishment Works to Phase Out Parents and Food Not Federally Approved

Education Establishment: Parents don't know what's best for their children

State Agent Tells Preschooler Mom Makes Her Bad Lunches, But the Government Will Feed You Right

Feds Shut Down Amish Farm for Selling Fresh Milk

5. Athens Burns over Austerity Measures

Burn Baby Burn

Austerity Measures and the Riots

4. Obama to Cut Nuclear Arsenal 80%

3. Is Iran on a War Footing?

ICBM Missiles

Iran Targets Israeli Diplomats

Iranian Warships Enter Mediterranean Sea

2. Contraception For All a done deal. . . Whether You Like It Or Not

Obama Chief of Staff: It's a Done Deal

Coordinated Contraception Attack

Free Birth Control is not Free

Santorum's Angle on Birth Control

1. Washington DC Suicide Bomber Arrested


And finally, Today's Nuts and Nuggets

- Nut: Democrat Senator Tom Harkin on Senate Floor: “This Congress will be making a grave mistake, a grave mistake, and reinforcing a dangerous precedent by extending the payroll tax cut and adding another negative without paying for it.  And I'm dismayed that Democrats, including a Democratic president and a Democratic vice president, have proposed this and are willing to sign off on a deal that could begin the unraveling of Social Security.”

First, the way to pay for it is to cut spending. Second, THIS IS NOT A PAYROLL TAX CUT. It is a reduction in deductions. With it, Obama's underfunding Social Security.  The payroll tax is the only way Social Security gets paid for.  It's the only place money for Social Security is collected.  The Democrats are cutting that deduction.  They are reducing the amount of money collected for Social Security.

The Republicans don’t get it, though. Why? Are they falling for the ol’ leftist accusation that if you are a republican you want old people to give up their Social Security? Sure, Social Security is unconstitutional, but you can’t yank a rug out from under people who have been paying into it all of their lives. It has to be a gradual elimination, through reforms that gradually make Social Security obsolete.

The Democrats don’t care about all that. They want you to think Republicans want to kick seniors out of their houses, take away their Social Security, take away their Medicare.  And that has never been true.  Yet, the democrats, through Barack Obama’s policies, are doing just that. They're cutting medicare through Obamacare, and are actually cutting Social Security revenue by $105 billion a year minimum with this payroll deduction cut.

Harkin said he's worried about the unraveling of Social Security.  And what he means is, they're taking money away from it, and it's by no means solvent as it is.  What he didn't say is the only reason Obama's doing this is because it's the only place that Obama can talk about a tax cut, and make it look like he’s a tax cutter, when he’s not. This is all about re-election. Obama has made it perfectly clear he's a big government socialist, statist, liberal. He is banking on having gotten enough votes by buying them with entitlement programs, and then demonizing the republicans to get people to not vote for them. He is hoping that the government dependents will out vote those that are willing to participate, produce, and be responsible.

- Nugget: Treasury Secretary Geithner, for acknowledging Paul Ryan’s budget plan would work:

GEITHNER:  We're not disagreeing in the sense that I made it absolutely clear that what our budget does is get our deficits down to a sustainable path over the budget --

RYAN:  And then they take back off.

GEITHNER:  -- over the budget window. And why, why do they take off again? Why do they do that?

RYAN:  Because we've got 10,000 people retiring every day --


RYAN:  -- and health care costs going up at --

GEITHNER:  We have millions of Americans retiring every day and that will drive substantial for the rate of growth of health care costs. And so you were right to say we're not coming before you today to say we have a definitive solution to that long-term problem.

Geithner admitted in that dialogue with Paul Ryan that Ryan’s plan works.  He told Paul Ryan, "We're not coming before you today to say we have a definitive solution to the long-term problem."  And then he said, "What we do know is we don't like yours," to Paul Ryan, to the Republicans.  We don't have a solution, but we don't like yours.

So much for the compromises they demand. It only goes one way.

So here’s the tax cheat saying "We don't have a solution for any of this.  But we don't like yours," acknowledging that Ryan and his boys have a solution.  But the Obama administration, and his wild band of loonies, doesn't like it.

That is because they don't want a solution. They need crisis in order to stay in power.


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