Saturday, February 25, 2012

Constitution Radio Focuses on Natural Remedies For Vibrant Health

888-909-1050 - Constitution Radio 2:00 pm Pacific,

Call in live for today's very fascinating interview with a married couple who believe in freedom, self-reliance, and personal responsibility. Their product gives you the natural path to health. To learn more about these natural remedies that work harmoniously within our bodies, call 951/258-6246. For those in Southern California, also call not only to learn about the product, but to learn how you can also be a part of teaching people how to be healthy naturally.

After the interview we will go to the book of the week, and Constitution Corner (Where we will discuss Article I, Section 1 - Legislative Authorities)

Then, with JASmius, we will go over the 5 Big Stories of the Week, February 25, 2012

- Honorable Mention: Obama Gives Away Strategic Alaskan Islands to Russia

- Honorable Mention: Obama Budget Helps His Friends, Punishes His Enemies

5. America’s Per Capita Government Debt Worse than Greece

4. Chaplain’s Told Preaching Against Obama is Treason

3. Santorum Booed over Title X

2. Rapid Rise of Gas Prices. . .

1. President’s Day - Have We Forgotten George Washington?


Nuts and Nuggets

Nut: Timothy Geithner on CNBC after the senior economics reporter Steve Liesman says, "You have proposed, $2.1 trillion dollars in gross revenues the president has through 2022 in the budget, and yet it seems like almost all the additional revenue is taken up with additional spending. Where is the real deficit reduction?"

GEITHNER:  If you don't try to generate more revenues through tax reform, if you don't ask, you know, the most fortunate Americans to bear a slightly larger burden of the privilege of being an American, then you have to -- the only way to achieve fiscal sustainability is through unacceptably deep cuts in benefits for middle class seniors or unacceptably deep cuts in national security.

RUSH:  If you don't ask the most fortunate Americans to bear the slightly larger burden of being an American? Are they planning on now putting a price on the privilege of being an American.  I thought birth as an American or naturalizing as an American was all that was needed to be an American.  These authoritarians have now taken the next step. Then again, do you remember when Vice President Joe Biden said it is our patriotic duty to pay more in taxes?

Nugget: Rush Limbaugh Listener last Thursday: Media Depresses You. . .

I just want to make a comment on the media on how it shapes our opinion and our mood.  I went away to university this year, and when I went away from home I watched very little TV. I listened to your show online. I checked Drudge every now and then, but that's about it.  I've noticed that since I stopped watching the news my mood has been better and I've been more optimistic about America and its future, and I'm quite happy with the Republican candidates because the media has not been able to depress me about them. So, if I had any advice to conservative America and the country as a whole, it would be to turn off the non-Fox media, as Ann Coulter calls it, because they are trying to depress you into thinking that conservatism is in the minority and that your candidates are crazy, but the truth is conservatism is the mainstream.  And I remember you saying back in the Bush years when the media would never stop reporting bad news about the economy, "Just to turn it off, and you'll be happier," and I think that's great advice. 


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