Friday, March 30, 2012

How DARE He Not Lie Back & Enjoy It!

by JASmius

Latest federal crime: Justice Scalia being Justice Scalia:

Democrats are lashing out at conservative Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia for alleged bias during the Obamacare hearing, even though the court's four liberal justices were generally seen as more effective in pushing for the law than the Obama administration's own attorney.

Two comments Scalia made during the mammoth three-day hearing have been picked as showing he has allegedly already made up his mind and will vote to overturn the Affordable Care Act.

He used the term "Cornhusker Kickback" to refer to a $100 million
Medicaid payment to Nebraska proposed to secure moderate Democrat Senator Ben Nelson's vote, and then said the justices could not be expected to read through all 2,700 pages of the law as they wrestle with its constitutionality....

[Retiring Nebraska Democrat Senator Ben] Nelson, who is not standing for reelection in November, said Scalia seemed not to know that the so-called Cornhusker Kickback was stripped from the bill before it went into effect. "I am concerned that Justice Scalia's comments call into question his impartiality and instead suggest judicial activism," he told The Hill.

Nelson was joined by other senior Democrats. Vermont Senator. Patrick Leahy, the Democratic chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, said Scalia's comments were typical for him. "That's the way he always is. This after all is the man who helped push through Bush v. Gore, which every historian is going to say was a crazy thing."

And Senator Dianne Feinstein of California called Scalia's comments "flip and specious."

"Flip and specious," Senator? I'd say those adjectives apply a lot more to Leaky's take on Bush v. Gore than anything Justice Scalia has ever said.

It is reflective of the triumphalist mindset that holds the Left in an intellectual vice grip to this day. Libs are blindly and unalterably convinced of both the efficacy of their discredited, disreputable religion of statism and of their own unchallengable moral supremacy that entitles them to force it on everybody else "for their own good". Socialized medicine - socialized anything - ALWAYS fails, NEVER delivers on all its utopianist pie-in-the-sky promises, ALWAYS produces the precise opposite results, and consequently MUST be corrupt and coercive and dishonest. It is axiomatic; it is the repeated lesson of history.

And the biggest suckers of all are leftists themselves.

Barack Obama didn't get elected to nationalize the U.S. health care sector. He never ran on nationalizing the U.S. health care sector. The American people did not and never did seek the nationalization of the U.S. health care sector. We told him not to; we begged him not to; yet he and his merry band of authoritarians did it anyway. It generated a grassroots movement that annihilated the Democrat House majority and crippled its Senate counterpart. Two years later it's still massively unpopular and seen as a blatantly unconstitutional power grab even by a (bare) majority of Democrats. Not that they care, of course; and the ones that don't see it as unconstitutional simply redefine that term to mean "advances the hard-left agenda".

Yet to this very week lefties were utterly convinced that the SCOTUS would uphold ObamaCare in its entirety without having to give it even a sidelong glance. Rubber stamp city. Including Justice Scalia.

This is a bubble of extential cloture that not even a "rod from God" could penetrate - but which Olympus' constitutionalists finally did.

And Democrats are alternately panicked and outraged by it.

Short of the High Court burying this execrable monument to unAmerican tyranny so deep the worms can't find it, that'll be the best medicine of all.

[cross-posted @ Hard Starboard]

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