Saturday, April 21, 2012

American Liberal Empire

By Douglas V. Gibbs

Liberal Democrats project. They call their opposition imperialistic, when Constitutionalists and Conservatives are nothing of the sort.  America, in all of the wars she has fought, with the mightiest military in the world, has shown great restraint, refusing to occupy indefinitely the lands she fought in, and refusing to make any of those countries subservient to the United States.

However, empires can take other forms, rather than simply through military conquest.  The growth of the central government through liberal policies is promoted by the American Liberal Democrat. The liberal champions a national debt and increased taxation against the general public. Bondholders support tax increases to assure that they make a profit through their investment in the government, and the statists make no qualms about giving these investors preferential treatment.

The modern day IRS hypocritically requires mistake-free returns while their own books are in shambles, demanding exorbitant sums of money without regard to the accuracy of its claims, and using tools that are unconstitutional, and befitting more of a totalitarian empire than a country that supports liberty. The IRS uses every legal maneuver available to get what they want, destroying businesses, and lives, in the process. The IRS goes through a taxpayers' personal effects, spending records, and personal papers without regard to the Constitution, assuming that citizens have no right to financial privacy.

The federal government colludes with some businesses to collaborate on other efforts as well, creating great wealth for politically connected businesses at the expense of the rest of society. The welfare programs then attach millions of Americans to the federal government, buying their votes by promising gifts from the treasury, creating a voting bloc in favor of ever-increasing government.

Consequences of liberalism range across the nation, falling in line with the same pathologies created by communist regimes, both past and present.  Liberal policies have resulted in the destruction of the work ethic, the break up of the family unit, and trapping millions of people in poverty and government dependence. American Liberalism has created an entire class of people, millions strong, dependent upon the federal government, and therefore willing to do anything to keep their government checks coming in.

International mercantilism has also emerged under the liberal onslaught of America. Favoritism is being played internationally, benefiting the well connected at the expense of the rest of the international society. No debate is accepted regarding these policies.

Empires claim they are spreading blessings for all mankind, when in reality their purpose is to allow those who pull the strings to accumulate power and wealth. The American Liberal Empire has emerged, brandishing all of the liberal dreams and desires through Barack Obama. And as with other empires, the American Liberal Empire leaves the citizens of the United States as servants, rather than masters of their own government.

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

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