Sunday, May 27, 2012

Abortion: America's Genocide. . . A Baby At 12 Weeks Gestation

This is a baby at 12 weeks gestation, which is legal to kill in all 50 states. Does this baby look like a blob of cells to you?

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary


  1. Anonymous12:01 AM

    It is rather interesting that you have blog moderation enabled. This is usually the case with people who are long on ideology but short on facts. This is usually the case with provincial, right-wing Americans. However, my greater point is this: that is not a fetus at 12-weeks, sorry. You are either gullible or you are a liar; which is it, sir?

  2. I address blog moderation in my recent executive orders comment response to you. As for this being a 12-weeks fetus, perhaps I am gullible, for trusting the image. I have seen film of babies in the womb fighting against the abortion doctor. It is also common knowledge that the heartbeat begins around the 20th day, and prior to that the unborn baby begins to feel pain. regardless of this picture, those facts should be enough for anybody to reconsider murdering an unborn baby.

  3. After a little research it is very likely that is a baby at 12 weeks gestation. Size is appropriate, formation appropriate. It is you, Anonymous commenter, that may very well be the liar. Thanks for playing. Show your way out the door.

  4. Anonymous2:19 AM

    This angers me. I feel sickened. Do babies really fight an abortion?

  5. Anonymous10:44 AM

    Anonymous is right. That picture is NOT an actual baby. It is a sculpture used to show (rather non-realistically) what a 12-week-gestational baby looks like. However the skin isn't translucent enough and the features are too well developed on the sculpture. As distasteful as the photos are there is a website that has photos of stillborn babies at all stages of gestation.

  6. Let's take for a moment that you are right, that is not an actual baby, and that a 12 week gestational baby would not look like this. Let's say you are exactly right, the skin would be more translucent, the features would not be as developed. My question to those that support abortion is would that be a baby worth killing? At what point is the line crossed. One day the child isn't developed enough, but maybe the next day the child is? Besides, at 12 weeks, regardless of what the child looks like, is not the heart beating?

  7. Anonymous8:27 PM

    I am a mid wife in Pennsylvania. That is NOT an actual baby but somewhat similar. The skin is still over the eyes at this point, there is still webbing between fingers and toes, Skin on head is transparent and the skull is not formed. With that said, the issue isnt if the baby is real or not..the issue is WHO is going to care for all these unwanted babies if they stop abortion? Do you have any idea how many crack addicted babies I deliver?Do you have any idea the suffering that drug addicted baby goes through? Do you have any idea the healthcare cost of these babies?(not that its the major issue here either ) is for one reason or another these babies are not wanted.. and once a woman delivers there is a 6% chance she will give the baby up for adoption. She will keep that baby if she knows its right or not. Please tell me, who is going to care for all these unwanted children and do you know that these children will grow up in a hell that you and I can not even imagine. Ive seen some of the worst things in life, maybe these babies are better off going to heaven. I dont think you will print this but its my professional take on this

  8. So your solution is murder? Genocide? Great minds often come from difficult backgrounds. And using your line of thinking, how long before people like you decide it is okay to slaughter everyone in third world countries because of their poor living conditions?

  9. Anonymous6:19 AM

    It's the cutest every baby

  10. Does it matter what a baby looks like at any stage? Once a human egg is fertilized human life begins. It may not continue by natural causes but ending it by human causes purposely ends a human life- period. But abortion is symptom of a much greater problem. Society has lead us to believe that we can do whatever sexually and to our own bodies and it's nobody else's business. Abortion is just another form of birth control. Society has put lots of pressure on tobacco products while increasing the use of so called 'recreational drugs'. And society is letting millions not be responsible for their own actions. As a result divorce skyrockets, way too many children go through life without a father or properly cared for by any adult.
    So begin by making fathers responsible for the children they bring in the world, not just the mothers! If they don't take responsibility, use forced sterilization. Whoa, sounds extreme? Not as extreme as killing the resulting babies, the most blameless victim of the three involved!
    With one million killed in the US alone you begin to get the lack of respect for human life that Planned Parenthood officials have shown in the undercover videos.

  11. Prentz is completely correct. There are a lot of bad situations in the world but we don't turn to murder to fix them.

  12. Yes we shouldn't murder any baby at any stage just like you don't murder your cats babies or dogs babies don't you just give them to a good family? Which by the way i think is cruel because the mother loves her babies regardless of wealth and if a danm rat can raise 20 babies on her own so can a human mother yes we are picky and very fuzzy but are we saying that we are worst than animals that we cannot raise our own children because we do not have material things? No an animal fetches food and seeks shelter and raises their young most mammals do so we can do it too and we actually have lots of help from the government from family from strangers from wic from food banks we have it much much more easier, yes life is not easy but killing someone will leave an empty whole in your heart and if you are not pure evil you won't be able to live with yourself and commit suicide if you cannot bear with it how about go to term and have that baby if the pain scares you let me tell you abortion is said to hurt 10 times more than delivering baby, they rip arm by arm leg by leg body then head baby feels all of this horrofying pain is just cruel and baby cannot escape is the worst thing you can do to someone and if you do it you are buying your ticket to hell trust me you are doing the worst kind of murder there is you are killing an innocent baby who cannot even defend himself oh and if they deliver without been ripped appart they are burnt or left to die from hunger or worst they take their organs to be organ donors for other babies which they sell them quite pricy is disgusting how can you take a baby's organ is just revolting no medicine today is just so awful
