Saturday, June 23, 2012

Ernie White, Red Light Camera Ban, and the Lawsuit Designed to Stop the Right to Petition the Government for a Redress of Grievances

After American Daily Review, on KCAA 1050 AM, Constitution Radio with Douglas V. Gibbs welcomes Ernie White to discuss the Murrieta Red Light Camera ban, and how the petitioner, Diana Serafin, is being sued for daring to petition the government for a redress of grievances (1st Amendment?). The interview begins at 2:05 pm, and you can listen Online at

Catch the podcast later on our podcast page.

Then we will discuss the book of the week by Prying1Books, and then ask the Constitution Quest question of the week.

5 Big Stories of the Week, June 23, 2012

5. Father’s Day

4. Tension Between Obama and Putin

3. Sandusky Found Guilty;_ylu=X3oDMTVpdnN2am9iBGEDMTIwNjIyIHNwb3J0cyBzYW5kdXNreSB2ZXJkaWN0IHQEY2NvZGUDcHpidWZjYWg1BGNwb3MDMQRlZAMxBGcDaWQtMjM4MzE2OQRpbnRsA3VzBGl0YwMwBG1jb2RlA3B6YnVhbGxjYWg1BG1wb3MDMQRwa2d0AzEEcGtndgMzNgRwb3MDMgRzZWMDdGQtZmVhBHNsawN0aXRsZQR0ZXN0AzcwMQR3b2UDMTI3OTY1Mjc-/SIG=13lh2vn76/EXP=1340510033/**http%3A//

2. Holder’s Contempt

1. A Summer Night for Human Rights


Nuts and Nuggets

Nut: During an interview on CBS’ “This Morning,” New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg defended his proposed ban on sugary drinks larger than 16 ounces by arguing that it’s the role of government to “improve the health and longevity of its citizens.”

“[I]f government‘s purpose isn’t to improve the health and longevity of its citizens, I don’t know what its purpose is,” the mayor said.

Nugget:  Romney’s Campaign Speech in Cincinnati, Ohio: “He's been president for three-and-a-half years.  And talk is cheap.  Action speaks very loud.  And if you want to see the results of his economic policies, look around Ohio, look around the country, and you'll see that a lot of people are hurting. A lot of people have had some real tough times.  And the policies the president put in place did not make America create more jobs.  As a matter of fact, he made it harder for America to create more jobs.”

“He will have all sorts of excuses, all sorts of ideas he'll describe about how he'll make things better, but what he says and what he does are not always the exact same thing.  And so if people want to know how his economic policies have worked and how they performed, why, they can talk to their neighbor and ask whether things are better.  They can talk to the 50% of college kids graduating from college this year that can't find a job.  They could talk to the people who represent the unemployed.  The president said that if we let him borrow $787 billion for a stimulus, he'd keep unemployment below 8% nationally.  We've now gone 40 straight months with unemployment above 8%.  But then he'll say, well, but the things he's been doing have been good and helped create growth and put people back to work.  Oh, really?  Go check on that.”

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