Monday, July 30, 2012

Clockwork Liberalism

"[T]he right to freedom being the gift of God Almighty, it is not in the power of Man to alienate this gift, and voluntarily become a slave." --John Adams

By Douglas V. Gibbs

The liberal agenda is nothing new. It is the same old crap dished out by Carter, Lyndon B. Johnson, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson, Karl Marx, Jean Jacques Rouseau, and Alexander Hamilton. Some of the ingredients may be different, and the names of the movement has changed a number of times, but liberal, progressive, Marxist, socialist, mercantilist, communist, utopianism is all the same be it through the lens of the Jacobins in France or the hard left liberal democrats of today's United States of America.

And because it is the same old crap, the hard left liberals have become quite predictable - until Obama. Unlike his leftist predecessors, he is even more radical, and is a raging narcissist. The unpredictability of Obama, however, is not in what he is doing, but the degree in which he is willing to go. We are used to the left being careful on how much socialism they inject into the American system. The incremental nature of their agenda is what has made it work its damage on our system. Little by little they have been feeding us poison, and the average American normally fails to detect it.

Barack Obama has jumped the shark. He has decided America is ready for the final steps toward a system the Founding Fathers meant for us to avoid.

What today's democrats are shoveling is no different than the crap the progressives were pushing in the 1930s. However, they now believe they can get away with a lot more, and in the process has revealed themselves as the fascist liberal progressives that they are. The problem is that some of the people are still buying this crap, which may make the fight to stop it all the more difficult.

Whenever the liberals are ready to push a policy, they have to lie to get it implemented. Once it is implemented they claim the people like it, and then accuse their opposition of trying to take it away. It doesn't matter if the policy is damaging to our system. It is all about emotion. The policy makes them feel good about themselves, and they push it as something that is a gift from the government - regardless of the tyrannical nature of the policy, or the unconstitutionality of it.

Never mind that the policies they push have failed in history over and over again. Never mind that Europe is collapsing over the fact that they have had the policies Obama is pursuing for decades. Never mind that socialized medicine, and the rest of the entitlements offered, are unsustainable, and always ultimately brings societies to their knees. It is not about if the policies work. It is about the emotion, the good intentions, and of course the governmental power.

This is generally a center-right country, and the liberal left can't win on their policies, so they hide them - until the democrats begin to believe that maybe the country has moved to the left. Then, as they believe the political winds are blowing in their direction, the truth begins to come out, and Americans run from the tyranny. The liberal left is then forced to avoid discussing the things they believe, often denying that they believe them at all.

Since the policies of the left are in reality very unpopular, liberals go to incredible lengths to manipulate the political arena into their favor. They use the mainstream media so that they can guide news stories in their favor. They have infiltrated and taken over our educational system so that they can teach kids liberal propaganda before they’re old enough to know better. Like Alexander Hamilton, they use the judiciary to usurp the Constitution, using case law as a way of supporting their liberal ideological goals. Even the Left’s support of illegal immigration is rooted in the desire to bring in millions of poor people from socialist countries who are more likely to vote Democratic. If they can’t convince the American voters they’re right, then they’ll just bring in some new voters.
An incredible double standard is in play when dealing with liberals, as well. They do all they can to disrupt conservative speeches, and they try to drive conservative talk radio hosts off the air with things like the Fairness Doctrine, but if any non-liberal were to do the same to the left, they are labeled racist, haters, and anything else these people can muster.

George W. Bush was called a war criminal, was routinely compared to Hitler, and a number of leftists continuously called for his assassination. However, if anyone dares to criticize Obama, the person is labeled as being racist, and dangerous. How dare they not respect the office of the presidency, we are told.

Indeed, the liberal left stops at nothing to gain power. In Canada the leftists are even going to the point of sending conservatives to trial for hate crimes because they’ve dared to criticize Islam, or speak in a politically incorrect manner.

On this site a commenter named Yellow Flag actually wrote that my site should be shut down for my conservative commentary.

They only believe in freedom of speech if you agree with them, apparently.

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

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