Friday, July 27, 2012

New York Mayor Bloomberg Calls For Police Strike if Gun Control is not Instituted

By Douglas V. Gibbs

The massacre in Aurora, Colorado has liberal left freaks calling for gun control, and New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg went so far as to say that if gun control isn't instituted, police should go on strike until it is.

Bloomberg, like most leftists, argues that the violence won't stop until the guns are off the streets, but the problem is gun control does not remove guns from the streets. . . it only takes guns away from law abiding citizens, making them targets rather than people able to defend themselves.

He said: "I would take it one step further. I don't understand why police officers across this country don't stand up collectively and say, 'We're going to go on strike. We're not going to protect you unless you, the public, through your legislature, do what's required to keep us safe.'"

Bloomberg then backpedaled later.

“I didn’t mean literally go on strike. In fact, in New York (police) can’t go on strike. There’s a law against it," he said.

That's right, what he called for was illegal.

The thing is, the police is not there to prevent crime, and they shouldn't be. A Minority Report kind of society is one where the government controls every move of every person in the guise of protecting everyone.  That is not freedom. As an individual, aside from being a means to protect against a tyrannical government, I am armed to protect myself and my home. If someone enters my house without my permission, and they are there to cause harm (or to confiscate my guns) I will fill them with holes. Period.

Are we surprised the leftists are calling for gun control? 

Today, by the way, is the negotiations regarding the small arms treaty by the United Nations. . . the movement globally is already on the march.


-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

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