Thursday, August 30, 2012

Obama Says Romney Extreme

By Don Jans

In an interview with the AP, Obama said Romney has signed up for extreme positions. The definition of extreme is that point farthest removed from the ordinary. Therefore, according to Obama, Romney is far removed from the ordinary, or Obama would say his positions are ordinary. We must ask, what is ordinary? For instance, when FDR signed an Executive Order on October 3, 1942 ordering that income over $25,000 be taxed at 100%, was this extreme or ordinary. For a Marxist/Progressive, this would be considered not only ordinary but necessary, as FDR stated. The Liberty and Opportunity people, who said this is confiscatory, were then taking an extreme position.

The extreme positions Romney has taken, according to Obama, are consistent with positions taken by many members in the house including tax cuts. Is it extreme to want tax cuts and ordinary to want to increase taxes, even if only on “rich people?” Remember, $25,000 in 1942 would be approximately $260,000 today. How close are the Obama position and the FDR position? We know Romney would take the extreme position that this type of tax would be confiscatory and very unfair.

The House members have called for a reduction in the national debt, a position also signed onto by Romney. It must be extreme to believe Trillion dollar plus deficits should be reduced. After all, Trillion dollar plus deficits have become ordinary, under the Obama Administration. The House members also believe the United States should have an annual budget; at least they have passed a budget each year. This must also be an extreme position, because the Obama Administration has been comfortable operating without a budget for the last three years.

According to Obama, the further removed your policies are from the policies endorsed by the Marxist/Progressive party, the more extreme you are. Did you ever believe we would see the day when ordinary policies in the United States are the same policies Marx outlined in the “Communist Manifesto?” We saw many of these same policies used by FDR in the 1930’s. They prevented a recovery then and are credited for the crash in 1937. Why would we expect different results this time? Did not Einstein say insanity is doing the same thing and expecting different results? We can only hope for the extreme positions of Romney.

Don Jans, author of My Grandchildren’s America

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

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