Sunday, August 26, 2012

Reagan: One Nation Under God, Or a Nation Gone Under

By Douglas V. Gibbs

America is great because America is good. We are a nation unlike any other, because our history is filled with politicians that prayed, and pastors that preached politics, yet the government never controlled the church, and the church never controlled the government.

In this new society that has emerged in the 21st Century, we are told by the Liberal Left that people who want to save unborn children from a merciless slaughter that often includes dismemberment in the womb, people who want to hold on to the capitalistic economic system and free market principles that made this country the richest and most powerful nation on Earth, people who work to stop the federal government from stomping on the rights of its citizens, a people who wish to preserve the definition of traditional marriage as a minority of citizens practicing a lifestyle of sexual perversion works to force their beliefs upon the rest of America through a well funded machine, a people who are determined to protect and promote the "law of the land" known as the U.S. Constitution under the original principles of limited government, a people who wish to stop the government from spending at an unsustainable rate, a people who believe that it is none of the international community's business how we run our nation and refuse to fold like a chair under United Nation dictates, a people that believes our rights are God given, a people that believes the representatives of government should be accountable to the people, a people that is armed and refuses to allow the government to infringe on gun rights, a people that believes in a strong military for the purpose of providing for the common defense, a people that believes immigration is a good thing as long as the immigrants go through the legal process and are willing to assimilate into our society, a people that supports State sovereignty and frowns upon a federal government that tries to dictate to States what they can and can't do and sues States for daring to not conform to the central government's dictates or refusal to enforce laws on the books, and a people that believes we are currently being invaded by an Islamist ideology that makes Nazism look tame, are extreme right-wing radicals.

In other words, if you are willing to act like an American, believe like an American, and uphold America's laws and ideals, you are an extreme radical and the enemy.

And in the process we are abandoning what made this nation great, including our faith in God. . . and when we do that, this nation is bound to crumble from within.

Remember, before the Roman Empire collapsed under the onslaught of barbarian forces, the original weakening was caused from within due to corruption and immorality.

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

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