Wednesday, August 29, 2012

What Obama says about the Republican Convention

Found this in my Email. . .

Obama - Biden
Douglas --

Republicans are taking the podium at their convention today, and millions of people will start paying attention to this race for the first time.

The message they'll hear will mirror the distortions Governor Romney has based his entire campaign on -- amplified 10,000 times.

They're going to talk about the economy, but they won't mention that their $5 trillion plan gives big tax breaks to people who don't need them. They won't mention their plan to turn Medicare into a voucher system that could cost seniors up to $6,400 more per year. They'll talk a lot about strengthening the middle class, when their plan is to do the opposite: repeal Obamacare, cut Pell Grant scholarships and Head Start funding, and raise taxes on the average family.

Okay, let's talk about distortions.

Obama says Romney and the republicans want to give tax breaks to people who don't need them. This is calling back to that Soviet communist style "Proletariat versus the Bourgeois."  The democrats say they believe in equality, yet they don't believe in equality in taxes. Besides, Obama began taxing the poor and middle class within weeks of his inauguration with the tobacco tax. The richest ten percent pays more than half of the total taxes, so they do indeed pay their fair share, but we must also remember that it is the richest in our society that are the producers, the job creators, the business owners. Do we really want to penalize them for their success? And, don't we "all" need a tax break? This is class warfare, and it is a stab at the rich. They want the non-rich to be angry with the rich. But isn't the rich evidence of how great this country is, and how anyone can achieve that? Rather than being angry with the rich, shouldn't we be working to join them among the ranks of the wealthy?

Obama says the Romney/Ryan ticket will turn Medicare into a voucher system that could cost seniors $6,400 per year. Not true. Ryan's plan enacts no changes for anyone age 55 and older. The privatization of medicare is a slow process, a reform plan that spans decades to slowly ween Americans off government control over their health care and place it back in the hands of individuals, which helps the debt, and lowers health costs.

As for the Middle Class, what helps the Middle Class is a free market where business grows, produces more products, and creates more jobs. Obama's plan has been to increase taxes on the producers, regulate them to the point they want to take their companies overseas, and punish wealth with threats.

Repealing Obamacare stops the greatest power grab by the federal government in history. It saves this country. The cost of Obamacare is unsustainable, and the power it grants to government is unAmerican.

As for the accusation that republicans want to cut Pell Grant scholarships and Head Start funding, and raise taxes on the average family, that is not true as well. Now, technically, federal spending on college education and pre-school programs is unconstitutional. There is no authority granted for that. However, republicans understand that these programs are a part of the fabric, and the weening of America off of the programs takes time. So, it takes a slow, incremental reform process to accomplish that.

As for raising taxes on the average family? What in the hell is the Obama camp talking about? Obama tax raises, and promise to raise taxes even more, is incredible, and the GOP has talked nothing but lowering taxes. In short, when it comes to taxes, Obama is a straight out liar.

The thing is, he's concerned about the GOP convention, because the republicans are talking truth, and when it comes to an evil like Obama's, the truth exposes him for what he is - a socialist bent on changing the American system into something that the Founding Fathers would never recognize.

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

1 comment:

  1. Good posting Doug. One sentence stands out above all others.

    "Obama is a straight out liar."

    Know this... A lie can never become the truth no matter how often you hear it.
