Saturday, January 26, 2013

Hillary Clinton Benghazi Testimony Leaves Out The Truth

By Douglas V. Gibbs

Hillary Clinton stood before the United States Senate and basically told them that the truth about any cover-up doesn't matter.  The fact that the democrats in power lied about the influence of a video, or lack thereof, in regards to an attack that left Americans dead, was pushed aside.  Hillary claimed she always blamed militants for Benghazi, not the video, and not spontaneous protests.

Since when is anyone shocked when a Clinton lies under oath?

This whole, sordid deal disgusts me.  Evidence has emerged that the democrats were reducing security in the months leading to Benghazi.  We have video after video of the liberal left ruling elite blaming a video, claiming it was protests angry at an anti-Muslim video by an American practicing his right of free speech, and they claimed it was this video, and only this video, that caused the violence throughout the Muslim World against American facilities on 9/11.

Do they really think the American people are that stupid?

Hmmm, let's see, Islam hates non-Muslims, celebrates the death of their enemy (like dancing in the streets on September 11, 2001), considers 9/11 to have been a great attack against the Great Satan, and September 11, 2012 was the anniversary of that horrific day. . . is it possible Islamic terrorists could have pre-planned violence against American facilities on that day?

Naw, it was a video. . . Susan Rice said so, Obama said so, Jay Carney said so, Biden said so, and Hillary Clinton said so.  Now, she's saying something different under oath.

The first question we should be asking is, "Why would they have blamed the video originally?"   Then, we need to ask, "Why are they back-pedaling now?"

These people think they are unaccountable, are above the law, and they have no regard for the truth or the American Public.  As Hillary Clinton entered the Senate chambers these government people were fawning over her.  It was like the ridiculous display the media was having over Obama's inauguration.  The leftists and media treat Obama and his family, Biden, and the Clintons like they are a new American royal family.  The democrats in the Senate were no different during Hillary's entrance for the testimony.  They were groveling as if they felt blessed to even be in her mighty presence.

The whole testimony was full of questions not designed to get to the truth, but to prop Hillary up, until a republican, Senator Ron Johnson of Wisconsin, dared to try to get to the truth, and the whole point of this circus - asking why the Obama administration stuck with the story of the video to explain the attack in Benghazi.

It was at this point the dictator in Hillary Clinton was unleashed, and the liberal media reported it with excitement.

Hillary said, "What difference does it make? What difference, at this point, does it make?"

It makes all the difference in the world.  These people lied to the American public because they were hiding something, but Hillary snapped at Johnson, to make sure he knew who he was dealing with.  And the media loved it.  Oh, how awesome, they essentially reported - she put that lowly ol' right-winger in his place.

What difference does it make?  I wonder if that will become the Democrat Party's new slogan.  "What difference does it make. We are in power, and we are gods, and if you don't like what we are doing, tough! What difference does it make that unemployment is still high?  What difference does it make that there are more Americans on food stamps now than at any point in history? What difference does it make that we are creating a divide in America never seen before? What difference does it make that four Americans died in Benghazi while we withheld security forces, watched them die, blamed a video, and then pretended to give a crap when around their mourning families?  What difference does it make?  We are in charge, and we are the ruling elite, and we are doing what we think is right.  So what? You are losing freedoms, we are taking more tax money from you, we are bankrupting this country, and we are taking away your guns. Don't you know it is for the common good, which defined by us is us being a government powerful enough to take everything away from you?"

The communists are supporting their policies, for God Sake! That should say something!

Here is the thing.  The fawning over Hillary Clinton, and the circling of the wagons to protect her "almost highness," is a bi-partisan effort.  Both parties are helping to circle the wagons to protect her from the mean ol' conservatives, and the lowly, peasant American people.  They are closing ranks to protect their own.  The Democrats may be the oppressors, but the Republicans have become their accomplices.  They are protecting themselves, and their system of power in Washington.  They consider themselves not statesmen, but a ruling class, and that power must be protected.

"Professional Politicians," Obama once called them.  They are protecting the status quo.  And the media is excited about it, and the communists are supporting it.  Don't people see what is happening, here?

This is exactly the kind of "above the law tyranny" the Founding Fathers were trying to protect us against with the Constitution.

Hillary Clinton is an old matriarch of some kind, I suppose, and she must be protected, even when she is lying through her teeth.

They went for a full hour-and-a-half before Senator Johnson asked about the video. And them blaming the video with a massive lie for weeks is the whole damn reason for this hearing in the first place.  Benghazi went up in flames, and Americans died, because of Obama's actions in the Middle East, and because Islam hates us because we are largely a Christian nation, and an ally of Israel, and these people lied and blamed the deaths of Americans on an obscure video that just about nobody had even heard of until these people in Washington brought it up, and nobody asked about it.  The lie about the video is the whole reason for this hearing, and nobody asked about it, and when Senator Johnson finally did, everybody went nuts and attacked Johnson for daring to.

The producer of the offending video remains in jail, arrested because of the video, but they used a different charge to cover up their banana-republic action, and then when Johnson asked about the video, Hillary clinched her fists in a "how dare you" moment, and says, "What difference does it make?"

It makes all the difference in the world!

Sound familiar? Wasn't that essentially what they were saying when Bill Clinton lied under oath about the oral service he received from Monica Lewinski in the Oval Office?  What difference does it make that he lied?  What difference does it make that he disrespected the office of the president, and would do such a crude thing in such an important chamber.  What difference does it make that his lie under oath is an impeachable offense.  He's a member of the ruling elite, and a liberal, so shut your mouth and except whatever cockamamie crap we throw at you.

Hillary Clinton's testimony could not wait any longer.  The show had to go on.  She was praised for her bravery, and then was asked nothing about the true cover-up.  "Cover-up," a term we are not hearing them use.  When a question hinted in that direction, she exploded, and acted in a royal, arrogant, narcissistic, "I am above all of you" manner, and she got cheered for it.

And the truth has once again been swept under the rug.

If a Republican was President, and something similar had happened, he would have been fire-roasted on a spigot, protests would have erupted nationwide with images of the GOP President sporting a Hitler mustache emerging, and the media would launch yet another "hate that republican bastard" campaign like they did against Bush, Palin, and Bork.  This is what these people do.

Obama is being treated like a monarch for his dictatorial actions.  Obama is a blessed one for stomping on our rights, lying to us, and working to destroy our Constitutional Republic.  All of the Democrat Party players are protected, revered, and treated like some kind of royalty.  At the inauguration I thought Roker was going to crap his pants over how giddy he got when he got to touch Biden's hand.

It is disgusting.

Four Americans died in Benghazi, and the administration lied to us about it to cover up their incompetent handling of the Middle East, and to prop up their narrative that the War on Terror is over because bin Laden is dead, and we are being told to just move along.  Nothing to see here.  Everything's fine.  The ruling elite doesn't have to tell you a damn thing.

And the republicans spin in circles, not realizing what they are up against, not realizing the destruction to this country we are witnessing, and when they do catch glimpses of the madness, they pull the covers over their eyes because they want to protect their status and power, too.

Maybe they figure if they refuse to acknowledge the hard left's clamp on what little is left of the American System, it will go away.

This is why there are cries out there for a third party.

Obama and gang are pushing for this. They are doing as every other totalitarian regime has done in history. They are working to destroy all opposition, and the destruction of the GOP is the aim right now. Then, it will be easier to round up them pesky conservatives.

The table is being set.  We are being told, "What does it matter?"  Quit trying to get to the truth, take your castor oil, and shut the hell up.

This is how freedom is lost.

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

Communists Cheer on Obama's Gun Grab - Alex Jones' Infowars

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