Saturday, February 16, 2013

Aftermath of a Funeral Service

By Douglas V. Gibbs

I received my final view of my good friend's face today as they closed the casket forever.  Paul "Prying1" Young was carried away by the hearse after a beautiful celebration of his life at Jubilee Christian Fellowship Church in Torrance.  The service included a long series of eulogies that all came to the same conclusion, Paul was a wonderful man.  He was caring, genuine, and was always there to lend a helping hand.  He loved the Lord, and he loved people.  He was bold, and caring, and often said whatever was on his mind.  His humor was unique, and his friendship was refreshing.  His relationship with his wife was incredible, and her strength through this loss has been courageous.

When the time for the eulogies began, I was the first to speak.  I had some ideas of what I wanted to say, but it wasn't until I was up there that the words came to me.  My Mother is studying Psalm 126, and one of the commentaries she read from the study touched on the loss of a person who's fellowship is so important to us.  She said, "Christian fellowship is a wonderful thing, and it is the closest we get to Heaven in this life."

Paul's caring nature enabled him to volunteer in ways that was nothing short of awe inspiring.  He gave his time to the church, nursing homes, and summer camps for kids.  And he did all of this with a gladness in his heart.  In everything he did he thanked God for the opportunity, and used the situations to help spread the good news of Christ.

The family extended their love to me as Paul's dear friend, and treated me as a part of the family, and for that I will be forever grateful.  They have helped me with my own closure as they battle to achieve theirs.

In the end, we don't really grieve for Paul, for we know where he is at.  We grieve selfishly, for ourselves, because we will never again be able to fellowship with such a wonderful person.

Paul used to save my seat at the Handel's Messiah concerts by putting a Constitution on the seat.  I knew what seat was mine by simply watching for the Constitution.  At the end of my eulogy I spoke to Paul, saying, "If you're listening Paul, I miss you.  I will be there too. . . just save me a seat by putting a Constitution on it."

God Bless Paul, and his family.

You will be missed, my dear friend. I already miss your friendship, and your fellowship.

And an added thanks to Cary for driving all the way out from Arizona to attend this service.  It was greatly appreciated.  I enjoyed the opportunity to spend the time with him, have a couple meals with him, and yes, drive him batty with my gift of gab.  Friends have conversations with you.  Real friends grin and bare it when you are a big-time talker and won't shut up.

Thanks, Cary.

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

1 comment:

  1. True friends pick up the conversation where it left off. Doug is still having the conversation even after you've left.

    I enjoyed the time fellowshipping, and your hospitality, and the time with Renee and the family. Thanks for letting me crash on your sofa!
