Tuesday, February 12, 2013

CNN Anchor: Is Asteroid Effect of Global Warming?

By Douglas V. Gibbs

At the end of an article I recently wrote about how the media is still trying to blame a video for the violence that erupted in the Middle East last September, I commented about a liberal who wrote to a newspaper upset over the Constitution because the person believed the Natural Born Citizen clause was extremely unfair to perfectly qualified candidates who are not eligible for the presidency because their mothers decided to give birth to them by C-Section.

I was bombarded by emails and comments by liberals complaining about how I took some random idiot who claims to be a democrat and I am trying to take a single moment by an individual idiot to brand all liberals as being identical.

Okay, how about someone not so random.  How about a CNN anchor.  Surely, the people that bring you the news aren't nearly as stupid as that person that thought a C-Section makes someone ineligible to be President.

On CNN, news anchor Deborah Feyerick asked Bill Nye the Science Guy if an asteroid expected to just miss the Earth this week was a result of man-made global warming.

“Talk about something else that’s falling from the sky and that is an asteroid. What’s coming our way? Is this an effect of, perhaps, global warming or is this just some meteoric occasion?”

Okay, liberals, keep those complaints coming.  I am looking for the next liberal comment that will once again confirm that you people are nothing more than a bunch of idiots that are blindly following tyranny right over a cliff.

Are you following the piper's flute?  Or do you have at least a little common sense remaining in your head?

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

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