Sunday, February 03, 2013

Congratulations to Ray Lewis

As an Oakland fan, I was rooting against San Francisco. But. . . I also have really grown to like Ray Lewis. The Baltimore favorite is a rarity having played his career on one team, and his attitude, drive, and commitment to the Lord just makes you want to pull for the guy.

Baltimore dominated the game early, then allowed the Niners to get back into it, only the slam shut the door in the final minutes.

Fun Night.

The group I was with were also politically active locally, so the conversations were great, too.

A bunch of folks were trying to convince me to run for City Council again in 2014, like I did in 2010.  With my increased name recognition, they seem to think I would have a good change.  However, to be honest, I think I do much more good for the conservative cause as a radio host, Constitution teacher, and writer.  Then again, I could change my mind.

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

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