Monday, February 11, 2013

Liberal Idiots Come Out In Support of Cop Killer in Los Angeles

By Douglas V. Gibbs

Is Chris Dorner the spark plug that will ignite a race war?  Members of the liberal left seem to think so.

Dorner is the fired cop that has become anti-cop, killing a police officer in Riverside, California, and the daughter of a retired cop in Irvine.  He has a list of 40 cops in his manifesto he plans to target next, and some members of the liberal left is loving it.  A Facebook page is calling for Dorner to be President, saying of the man, "We propose electing a man who could no longer sit idly by and watch as malicious tyrants abuse the innocent."

The description on ‘We Are All Chris Dorner’ chillingly says, ‘Yes, this is war.’

Chris Dorner is an Obama supporter, and gun control advocate, and it is this writer's belief that a part of the reason he is doing this is to fuel the anti-gun debate.  As the democrats in Sacramento are working to take away our gun rights, Dorner is trying to give them more of a reason to do so.

When it comes to the crazy people of the left, however, Chris Dorner is sending another message.  He is encouraging the crazy people to take vengeance, not just on those they may be angry with, but on the very people who have taken an oath to enforce the law.

Is there corruption in the Los Angeles Police Department?  I have no doubt there is.  I have a friend that quit the LAPD after four years because of the attitude in the LAPD that you don't promote unless you play ball, and other cops will do whatever it takes to get ahead, even stooping to levels that would shock most people.

The problems in the LAPD does not give anyone a right, however, to go on a killing spree.

There is no doubt there is a certain level of sympathy for Chris Dorner because many folks in minority neighborhoods feel like they can relate.  But this is not about race, guns, or even the cops.  A killer is on the loose, and that is what he is - a lowly, cowardly murderer that deserves nothing but to receive the penalties due him by the full extent of the law.

Dorner is not a hero.  He is a killer.

What is going to happen when Chris Dorner is gunned down?  What if the cop that takes him down is white?    Will the streets of Los Angeles erupt into massive riots?

What fascinates me is how the liberal bastion of California can be so full of racists, as proclaimed by Chris Dorner's supporters.  Isn't liberalism supposed to stamp out that kind of racism?

The other question is, what about racism the other way?  Isn't Dorner's claims of racism, and the liberal left's minority call for taxing rich whitey, racist too?

How messed up is our culture that a killer, a coward willing to approach two cops in a stopped car in Riverside and kill them, regardless of the color of his skin, can be seen as some kind of hero?  He is a killer, and nothing more.

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary 

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