Wednesday, February 20, 2013

New York Times Opinion Writer Donilon Faces Off with White House, Hagel, and Hezbollah

Donilon, White House vs. Hagel over Hezbollah, EU Terror List

Yesterday, White House national security adviser Tom Donilon published an op-ed in the New York Times urging the European Union to add Hezbollah to its list of terrorist organizations. In doing so, Donilon took the opposite position to that of Secretary of Defense nominee Chuck Hagel, who has resisted urging the EU to do so.

Donilon was reacting to the outcome of an official investigation by Bulgaria into last summer's bus bombing in Burgas, which killed several Israeli tourists and a local bus driver. The Bulgarian government concluded that Hezbollah was responsible for the terror attack--against heavy diplomatic pressure from other European governments, which are eager to preserve the fiction that Hezbollah has become a legitimate political group.


-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

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