Saturday, February 16, 2013

Non-White Tutoring

By Douglas V. Gibbs

Racism seems to only go one way.  I have been told by certain folks that you can't be racist against white people.  I always thought the dictionary defines racism as 1: The belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, esp. so as to distinguish it as... and 2: Prejudice or discrimination directed against someone of a different race based on such a belief.
I guess the dictionary forgot to add at the end, "unless you are white."

At a school in Colorado, the principal seems to believe that segregation is fine, as long as the group being removed from the general population are whites.

The Mission Viejo Elementary school in Aurora, Colorado has instituted an after-school tutoring program for children of color, only. . . no whites allowed.

Some parents are calling it discrimination.

“I was infuriated. I didn’t understand why they would include or exclude certain groups,” said parent Nicole Cox, who is white.

Cox’s 10-year-old daughter needs tutoring. After receiving the notice, other parents complained to the school’s principal, Andre Pearson.

“We have come so far in all of these years to show everybody that everyone is equal, that everyone should be treated equally … this is a form of bullying,” Cox said.

Before Cox could complain to the school, Pearson contacted her directly. His voicemail only seemed to reinforce the segregated tutoring idea.

“This is Andre Pearson. It’s focused for and designed for children of color, but certainly, if we have space for other kids who have needs, we can definitely meet those needs,” Pearson told Cox in the voicemail.

Could you imagine if the program had been instituted and it said "No blacks allowed," or "no Hispanics allowed?"

Then, Bush would get blamed.

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

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