Wednesday, February 13, 2013

North Korea Nuclear Test a Success

I find it interesting that as North Korea and Iran are both trying to build a nuclear arsenal, Obama wants to get rid of ours. . .

Experts say North Korea nuclear test an 'important step towards weaponization'

North Korea's third nuclear test draws worldwide ire

North Korea says it successfully detonated a miniaturized nuclear device at a northeastern test site Tuesday, defying U.N. Security Council orders to shut down atomic activity or face more sanctions and international isolation.

Experts say North Korea's successful detonation of a miniaturized nuclear device is concerning because it indicates the country may be getting closer to the ability to put a nuclear device on a missile.

North Korea drew worldwide condemnation Tuesday after it announced it had successfully conducted its third nuclear test, in direct defiance to U.N. Security Council orders to shut down its atomic activity or face more sanctions and international isolation.

It claims the test was its "first response" to perceived U.S. threats and warns it will continue with unspecified "second and third measures of greater intensity" if the United States maintains its hostility.

Read more at Fox News

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

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