Friday, March 08, 2013

Catching Up on Political Pistachio

By Douglas V. Gibbs

There is an old saying, "When life hands you lemons, make lemonade."

In other words, no matter how tough life gets, use what you have in a positive manner.  We need to work to progress as humans.  Be optimistic.  Weather the storms of life.

But what do we do when life hands us hand grenades?

What happens when you feel like your life is filled with land mines, and with each step you take the journey gets explosively more difficult?

Ahh, that is when life gets fun.

For those of you that are regular readers of Political Pistachio, you will have noticed that the last post was just before noontime on Tuesday, March 5, 2013.  A few days ago.  Since I write the night before, and schedule my posts to appear on my site the next day every four or five hours (sometimes two or three) that means I have not had the time to sit down at my computer and write since Monday Night.  At this moment, it is a rainy Friday Morning.

In addition to my writing, radio programs, public speaking engagements, and Constitution Class in Temecula, my day job is driving a sand and gravel truck.  A big rig.  Some would call it a "transfer" because the box on my trailer can be transferred into the box on the truck.  Between long work hours, family matters, and upheaval in a few sectors of my life, writing has not been at the top of the list.

Time to catch up.

I have a list of things I have been wanting to write about for a week, so today we are going to go through the gauntlet.  Don't be discouraged because so many articles are coming your way.  Pick your battles, or in this case, pick your favorite headlines.

One other thing is that my radio show on KCAA 1050 AM is in real financial trouble.  We are behind in paying the bills, and we need to catch up, otherwise, we will be off the air in the next couple weeks.  If you would like to contribute money to help the cause, or if you are a business that would like to advertise on the show (which is being considered for going national), visit to contribute (donate on main page on the right just below the link for podcasts), or email me about advertising at constitutionspeaker at

And with that said. . .

Let's get writing!

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

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