Sunday, March 31, 2013

CIA Director John Brennan a Muslim Convert. . . Why Isn't Anyone Talking About It?

By Douglas V. Gibbs

According to ex-FBI Agent John Guandolo, who wrote the first Muslim Brotherhood training manual for the FBI, John Brennan, Obama’s new CIA Director, converted to Islam while working in Saudi Arabia.

It makes since that Obama would put yet another devout Muslim in the Executive Branch.  There are already six others on Obama's Cabinet, not including Hillary Clinton’s Islamic radical and buddy Huma Abedin.  Obama believes that making nice-nice with Islam will make them all just love us, and it will make them quit attacking "The Great Satan."  And now that Barack's Middle East ideas have failed as we saw in Benghazi, Libya, when Americans were murdered without as much as a twitch of Obama's trigger finger, and really throughout the entire Middle East, due to Obama appeasing Islam, rather than realize the truth, he is doubling down.

Barack Obama has decided to pack the U.S. Government with Muslims.  I am thinking he believes that will get the Islamists to back off, to act in a manner more peaceful with us, but what he is doing is allowing Islam to infiltrate our government.  He is setting up our destruction.

Some may even argue that it is all a part of the grand plan.  Barack Obama may actually be inviting Islam into leadership roles for his own reasons, which may include the Islamization of America.

So why isn't anyone talking about this?  Why hasn't the media picked up on Brennan's conversion to Islam?

Has Brennan admitted it?

Of course not, and he won't.  Muslims commit taqiyah, which is to tell untruths in order to further the goals of Islam.  While the liberal left calls the Brennan conversion to Islam a conspiracy theory, John Guandolo calls it a fact.  And if indeed Brennan is a Muslim, and now he is the new CIA Director, what does that do in regards to our war with the Islamic Jihad?  How do we protect ourselves from the enemy when the enemy holds positions deep in our governmental structure?

Islam is a political ideology that masks as a religion, and it uses deception to increase its domination.  It is in Islam's nature to conquer, to divide, and to consume.  The ultimate goal is a worldwide domination of Islam over all other people's.  World Domination.  World Conquest.  A massive worldwide caliphate is the goal of the Islamists.

To achieve their ends, Islam teaches Muslims to infiltrate the enemy's cities and forums and plant the seeds of discord and sedition.  Islam is always in a state of war against non-Muslims, and so the deception is perfectly acceptable to the Muslim authority.  Committing taqiyah is not considered as lying against or denouncing the tenants of Islam because it is done to undermine the enemy's resistance and level of mobilization.

The invaders downplay their connection to Islam, call themselves peaceful, as they create a split in the host country. In fact, the aim is to convince the targeted nations that Jihad is not even aimed at them.  The infiltrators will say that attackers acting violently in the name of Islam are just radicals, twisting the tenets of Islam.  We are told this lie, and we have become convinced of this lie.

Free Republic: They convinced many Jews that they will be protected from Christians, and they convinced many Christians that Jews were the mortal enemies, because they killed Issa (Jesus). They convinced the Aramaics, Copts, and Hebrews that the enemy is Greece, and signed peace agreements with the Bysantines Greeks at the expense of Maronite Aramaics, etc.

They convinced the knitted diversity of India to degrade into civil war by introduction of a variant Buddhist / mystical Islam (Sufism which is decried as "deviant Islam" used to ease the transition of new recruits from local communities) creating divisions (based on Muslim - Non Muslim) eventually fomenting unrest and chaos in the land to prepare it for waves of armed Invasion (Mohammad bin Qasim, Mahmud Ghaznavi, etc.).

Even today, India is bitterly divided and getting slowly Islamised as battle lines form between hordes of overzealous Muslims (armed and trained in madrasahs) and the more pacifist civilians of urban dwellings.

This Jihadic agency of subversion was one of the most fascinating and efficient arms of the conquest. In less than four decades, the Middle East fell to the Arab-Islamic rule [since Arab society was divided again between pagan and Muslim resulting in nephews and sons killing their uncles and fathers in cold blood] followed by North Africa and Central Asia [this was the era of hordes like tribal conquests where barbaric savages invaded pacifist civilians in towns of major civilizations; the same scenario replayed itself against the Arab-Islamic world with the Invasion of the Mongolian hordes].

Islam has fooled those with scales over their eyes, and Barack Obama is an accomplice.  By appointing a Muslim, of which I believe Obama is fully aware of Brennan's conversion, the federal government's ability to provide for the common defense of the sovereign states has been severely hampered.  We are being infiltrated, and nobody in the media is willing to talk about it, except me.

Added Note: The opening of my Constitution Radio Program on March 30, 2013, after a few words about the Sons of Liberty Tavern in Norco, was all about Brennan.  Are other radio hosts talking about this?

Of course not.

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

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