Friday, March 22, 2013

Colorado's Fight for Gun Rights Turns to Recall of Governor

Petitioning Hickenlooper 

Colorado Residents who Support our Rights: Recall John Hickenlooper

Petition by

Chris Schomp
Parker, CO

Hickenlooper actively supports recalling 2nd Amendment rights of its citizens, so let's recall him. He ignores Colorado's voice, the voice of our law enforcement, and instead reads cue cards from out of staters like Michael Bloomberg...It is time to tell him we are not New York, and we do not appreciate our rights being taken. By supporting these gun laws he removed 200+ jobs from Colorado in a time when we need them most, and cost the state millions in tax revenue. How is this good for our state? They created recall elections for a reason, so let's show him that he is not representing us as he is required to do by the Colorado Constitution. We need at least 447,000 Colorado resident signatures, so let's show him we mean business!

This is in efforts to make sure that we have the necessary support before filing, since you only have 60 days to gather 400k+ signatures after formally filing a recall petition. So this is not the official petition, but a way to drum up support, and allow us to easily reach those in support if we can reach necessary numbers.


Recall John Hickenlooper. Let's tell him that he doesn't represent his people anymore, and that it is time for him to go.

[Your name]

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6:49 AM

    Thank you, Chris Schomp for initiating this. I've gotten on the Govs FB page and put my 2 cents in about this subject, complete with a link to this petition... it stays up a few minutes, but I always get a few likes from it, and I suspect a few signatures too. Networking like this is probably one of the few ways we can make something happen and grow our base. This is what I posted on his FB page:

    Gov Hickenlooper, the following 32 states have or are passing resolutions in SUPPORT of the 2nd Amendment. For reasons of your own political ambitions, you chose to NOT support the constitution that you took an oath to support and defend. When Colorado County Sheriffs came to Denver to state their support for the 2nd Amendment, your 'progressive' party shut them down.

    Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Colorado, Kansas, Kentucky, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Louisiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Mexico, North Dakota, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, and Wyoming. "

    I believe that when the Sheriffs went to Denver, to announce their support for the 2A, some were threatened with withholding pay if they didn't 'play along'. Here's a link to that Sheriffs organization, it's long but worth watching EVERY minute. I believe that aspect is being investigated. Thanks so much, Chris!

    Ken Russell
