Friday, March 22, 2013

GOP Budget Includes Real Cuts

House Conservatives Unveil Plan to Balance Budget in 4 Years

On Monday, the House Republican Study Committee unveiled an aggressive plan to balance the federal budget in just 4 years. The plan, from the internal conservative caucus of the GOP Conference, achieves balance must faster than Rep. Paul Ryan's budget released last week. Ryan's plan would achieve balance in 10 years.

The RSC budget is built on many of the same elements in the Ryan plan. It just implements them faster. The RSC moves up the implementation of Ryan's Medicare reform proposal five years earlier, for example. It also imposes lower caps on non-defense discretionary spending, achieving a net reduction in actual spending. The Ryan plan, by contrast, simply lowers the rate of increase in discretionary spending.


and from Yahoo! News with a heavy liberal slant on "cuts to vital. . . "

You get the picture.

House passes GOP budget plan promising deep cuts

WASHINGTON (AP) — Moving on two fronts, the Republican-controlled House on Thursday voted to keep the government running for the next six months while pushing through a tea-party flavored budget for next year that would shrink the government by another $4.6 trillion over the next decade.

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

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