Saturday, March 16, 2013

Government Dissatisfaction Against Government Highest Since Watergate, Obama Plans to Fight What is Making People Dissatisfied

By Douglas V. Gibbs

Dissatisfaction with the government is at its highest since Watergate.  People are sick of government, and Obama continues to position himself outside of Washington, and as polls like this emerges, he just shakes his head and vows to fight for the people against whatever invisible forces, a.k.a. George Bush, the GOP, and the TEA Party, are causing them to feel that way.

President Obama escapes blame because he is still voting "present."  He views the government, in the eyes of the people, because his continuous campaign convinces the people of such, from the outside, as he did in 2008 on the campaign trail.  As far as he is concerned, everything in Washington, and in this country, is broken, except for him, and he is working to fix all of it.  The media has been an accomplice in this, and Obama's supporters believes it is all the republican's fault.  Obama's policies are the problem, and he is vowing to fix the problems he is causing, and is somehow shifting all of the blame to the GOP with the propaganda war the democrats are engaged in.

That is because that is what authoritarians do.  They position themselves as revolutionaries, pitted against the powerful corporations, or opposition party, or whoever.  While Obama positions himself outside of Washington, fighting invisible enemies, campaigning for more change, and fighting the GOP, he is confirming to us who he really is.  Authoritarians consider themselves revolutionaries.

He is still voting "present," as he did in the Illinois Senate, and the U.S. Senate.  That is Obama's game.  He is remaining disassociated, and will continue to do so, blaming everyone else, until the opposition is gone, and the democrats can set themselves up as the lone party in America.

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

Poll: Government dissatisfaction highest since Watergate - Politico

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