Saturday, March 16, 2013

Liberty Inherited on Constitution Radio with Douglas V. Gibbs

Constitution Radio with Douglas V. Gibbs, Today at 2:00 pm Pacific on KCAA 1050 AM and Online at  Call in to join the conversation at 888-909-1050.

Today our guest is John L. Hancock, author of "Liberty Inherited," a book that takes you beyond 1776–beyond the original thirteen colonies–and across the Atlantic to discover the English principles that made America a unique and exceptional nation. By reading Liberty Inherited you will learn the historical origins of principles such as limited government, individual freedom, private property, and free-market economics.

Furthermore, it tells the exciting tale of the political struggles of early modern England and how they set the stage for the success of the American Revolution and of what was to be called the ‘American experiment.’ Unlike many books on the subject Liberty Inherited accepts the reality that the Founding Fathers did not create the United States out of thin air, but established it on the ‘rights of Englishmen.” And while it is a story of America, it is also the story of England and the English-speaking world.

Stay with us after the interview for the Book of the Week segment, and the Constitution Quest Question of the Week.

In the final segment JASmius of HardStarboard Radio will join me for the. . .

5 Big Stories of the Week, March 16, 2013

5. Islam Campaigns to Change GMT to Mecca, Because Mecca is “Center of the Earth”

4. New Pope

3. Federal Government Spies on Personal Finances


1. North Korea’s Saber Rattling Gets Louder (North Korea Declares 1953 Armistice Invalid)

If you missed the show, catch the podcast on our archive page

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