Tuesday, March 19, 2013


By Don Jans

Karl Marx understood the effectiveness of class warfare, of pitting one group against another for political gain. Only when they create class warfare can they establish an oppressor and an oppressed and convince people they are victims and deserve special treatment because of some perceived wrong they have suffered. We now have African Americans, Hispanic Americans, Asian Americans and Americans this and that. I thought we were Americans, but the Marxist/Progressives understand separate identities allow them to more easily create division. This is critical to them in their effort to bring about a fundamental transformation from a capitalistic society to a fair and just classless society as called for by Marx.

The Republican Establishment has bought into this trap. All we hear from the establishment is how do we cast a wider net or how do we cater to this division and how do we cater to that division. That is an unwinnable fight and can only continue the road to disaster. As importantly, it is a fight that goes against every principle on which this nation was built. It also is exactly the opposite of the essence of our constitution and says we are not a nation of law. It says that Holder was correct in dropping the charges against the Black Panthers for voter intimidation. It says Holder was correct in applying the law differently to a group of perceived victims. This means our debate is not what is the law, but how should a law be applied depending on the group to which the perpetrator belongs.

What was said at CPAC this last week-end was correct. The Conservative speakers emphasized equal opportunity for all Americans. We are not African Americans, Hispanic Americans, Asian Americans or Americans this and that. We are Americans. We all have equal protection under the law. We all have equal opportunity. We heard many stories of sons and daughters able to climb up the economic and social ladder because of the hard work and sacrifice of their legally immigrated parents. These parents did not take pride in these achievements because of the land from which they immigrated, but their pride was based on the land to which they immigrated; The United States of America.

Please conservatives, we must continue to advocate for the principles of equal opportunity for all, self-reliance as opposed to government reliance, even handed due process of law and blindness to ethnicity. This is common sense. This is not only the best course for the United States but is the only winnable alternative to the Marxist/Progressive agenda. This conservative agenda is the same agenda Sam Adams, John Adams, Thomas Paine, Nathan Hale and every other founding father had. This is the American Agenda.

Don Jans, Author and Speaker

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

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