Monday, March 18, 2013

New York City: Unemployed Can Sue

New York City Allows Unemployed to Sue for Being Unemployed

The New York City Council, under mayoral-hopeful Christine Quinn, “voted Wednesday to prohibit employers from using a person’s employment status in a hiring decision without a “substantially job-related” reason for doing so. Employers also will be prevented from posting help-wanted ads that require applicants to be currently employed,” according to Businessweek.

City Council Speaker Christine Quinn said, “This bill will stop unfair hiring practices that are hurting New Yorkers who are trying to get back on their feet.”

The council believes it is discrimination to not hire the unemployed. If an unemployed person is interviewed and feels like she or he was unfairly discriminated against for being unemployed, that person can sue.

Why would anyone ever interview an unemployed person in New York City ever again?


New York City Employers Can No Longer Ask If You’re Unemployed

The New York City Council passed a bill today that prohibits employers from considering an applicant’s current employment status when making hiring decisions.

The bill would also put an end to job ads that say applicants must be currently employed. Under this measure, New York would be the first city in the country providing people with the opportunity to sue on the basis of unemployment discrimination.


The liberal left always starts small.  Now, they are dictating to a business about this wee little thing regarding their hiring practices.  It is offered with the best of intentions, of course.  But it opens the door for government to dictate business practices beyond this little intrusion.

That is how government intrusion begins.  Their evil originally begins posing as an angel of light.

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

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