Thursday, March 14, 2013

No Longer Pope-Less

By Douglas V. Gibbs

Pope Francis, barely 12 hours after his election, quietly left the Vatican early on Thursday to pray for guidance as he looks to usher a Roman Catholic Church mired in intrigue and scandal into a new age of simplicity and humility.

Such is the beginning of the article at Reuters about the new pope of the Catholic Church.  New Age?

The secular media is calling for The Church to change its direction on homosexuality, abortion, and women in leadership roles in the church, et cetera.  After all, said one commentator, a number of priests are gay, and abortion is a woman's right.

This is the risk of having a bureaucracy running an religion.  Since when is it the decision of a leadership comprised of mere men what God wants for our society?  Since when is it men's decision regarding what the Bible instructs us?

Our rights, and our morals, are inherent because God gave them to us, but a church leadership can decide otherwise?

The new pope, a bishop from Argentina, has a history of siding with the Bible, speaking out against the slaughter of the unborn, and recognizing that though God loves people who choose the gay lifestyle, and as Christians it is important for us to share The Word with these people, their sexual immorality is not to be looked upon as anything other than a sin against God.  Redefining God's institution of marriage is not something we need to be doing.

The Catholic Church has its share of progressives, no doubt.  On Rush Limbaugh, for example, a caller called in and told the radio host that her priest had the congregation praying for the end of greedy capitalism.

The problem is, they see government intrusion into our lives like it is charity.  They see the welfare programs like they are charity.  Government taking that role is not only not charity, it is downright dangerous.  It gives too much power over our lives to these political ruling elite.  Heck, Obama's not concerned about who is pope, because at the rate he's going, he's being replaced by the pope as the leader of the religious world. . . except his religion is liberal Marxism.

Personally, I have never been hip about the hierarchy of the Catholic Church.  As a non-denominational Christian, I just try to adhere to Biblical Principles as I walk in relationship with Jesus Christ.

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