Wednesday, March 13, 2013

NYC Mayor Bloomberg: Portion Control

By Douglas V. Gibbs

A state judge has invalidated Mayor Bloomberg's soda ban, saying the law is “fraught with arbitrary and capricious consequences.”

Nanny State Bloomberg plans to appeal.  He says he is just trying to help fight obesity.

Bloomberg pulled a page from the Obama playbook, blaming big bad corporations on his difficulties to implement portion control.

Portion control?  What gives any politician the right to force on the public portion control?  This is what liberalism does.  It is their natural tendency to "control."  They believe they are the ruling elite, and as an individual you are not capable of making any decisions for yourself.  That has happened once before in America. . . It was the British Empire slapping down controls on us.  We fought a revolution to get out from under that control.

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

Bloomberg vows to fight reversal of NYC soda ban - Washington Times

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