Saturday, March 02, 2013

Obama Sequester Truth

First, let us remember that the spending cuts Barack Obama claims are devastating to our economy are not really spending cuts at all, but a reduction in the growth of future spending.  Second, this image should help bring the minuscule size of these cuts into perspective.

Also, don't forget that as Obama blames the Republicans for all future bad economic news, and will place that blame on their supposed unwillingness to stop the sequester, never forget that it was Obama's idea for the sequester, he wanted it in place, and the economic bad news coming has nothing to do with the sequester, and everything to do with Obama's policies.

And if anyone in the media dares question him on it, they will be threatened. . . just like Bob Woodward was.

Arrogance, elitism, and angry lashing out at his political enemies. . . such is the tendencies of a tyrant.

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

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