Tuesday, March 05, 2013

Sustainable Development Through Agenda 21, AB32

By Joe Scarafone, Owner HemetTV

The producer of my radio program, and videographer of my Constitution Class and various speaking events, received an email from one of the attendees of my Constitution Class asking about Agenda 21, California's AB32, and SB375.  Here is Joe's informative response:
In response to your email below: Don't get me started!

It's Law now, look up AB32 and SB375. Assembly Bill 32 is Cap and Trade (Agenda 21), and Senate Bill 375 forces Inward Growth/Planning - or the "Stack'em, Pack'em, n Rack'em - LIKE RATS" Building/Planning legislation, if you will? California Senate Bill - SB375

AB 32 - "The California Advanced (Anthropogenic) Warming Solution's Act Of 2006", signed by none other then the well known (R) "Neo-Con's-Man" Arnold Schwarzenegger, a foreigner. It basically contains all of the same AIMS/GOALS as the United Nations Agenda 21 which is posted in total on the U.N.'s Website. Don't let the look of it scare you, it's not as long as it appears. A person only has to read to introduction to understand the goal is CONTROL every aspect of your life and your pro-genies. Eventually if you PASS WIND without authorization, it could cause you "to be" [b.clinton form: "is"], fined. Which reminds me speaking of exhaust: Another Hemet Dairy Gone - I noticed today. The Dairy on the Southwest Corner of the Ramona Expressway and Lyon GONE - POOF! No more happy cows. A fairly good sized dairy, it's been in Hemet since I arrived in 1998. That's three in the last six months that I've noticed.

The State's Website on AB32 clearly stated what the goals were and I believe they were serious about what they stated on my last visit. Google it yourself, it "will be" [b.clinton - form of; "is"], more meaningful. 1990 Level's minus 80% Carbon Output by 2050 bringing U.S., California, according to Rosa Koeri to, circa 1934, Carbon Output Levels. Just Google what California looked like in 1934 and there you have it, perhaps more modern, yet sparse. I think AB32 would make a good Plot Line for a SNUFF FILM, it occurs to me? Perhaps it's not sexy enough, perhaps that's the reason nobody seems to like it except a SELECT "Group" of People, Corporations and Hollywood (now filming in Canada) that are profiting from it? Perhaps Hollywood should work AB32 into the plot line of one of their VAMPIRE MOVIE's to be filmed abroad as it "is" now too expensive to film in California with AB32 and all the TREE HUGGERS on the loose? I'm still brain storming Movie Titles, just trying to help out.

SB 375 tag lines: "Just pack the Chattel like RATS!" "LIKE THE DOGS THEY ARE!" SB375 explained: "How to Warehouse Toxic Humans like Chattel in Low Cost High Density Housing near Logistics Hubs - Like The SLAVES THEY ARE! PLUS: A "How To" rationalize it to your friends and neighbors and fellow church go'ers, a simple explanation for Today's Planner"

"What is Human Chattel For Dummies" Urban Regional Planning 101 ? ?????

For me?

It's an "I got mine. "F$%K Them!" - United Nations Policy and now in California, Law, albeit Un-Constitutional. It definitely INVOKES EX POST FACTO and would not, nor could not, be successful without the use of: EX POST FACTO. PERIOD! Who cares about in-alienable rights such as Private Property Rights and Due Process, and what about CONSUMER PROTECTION? That's like: FUNNY!!!!!!!! How would like to be the person that just found out they own land in the wrong CORRIDOR and that the Corridor did exist when you bought the Land, now EX POST FACTO?

Like all the UN LUCKY people who were sold land (Real Property hence Private Property Rights) outside of the Riverside County Authorities' MSHCP area or Multiple Species Habitat Conservation Planned Human Rat Corridor's? And even inside of the Human Capital Rat Corridor's, I hear of cases where the TLMA wanted a 100% land mitigation rendering the property VALUE-LESS. But Tree Hugger's think it's a great idea, they got their, I guess? And they are in your face about it. And most couldn't tell you what depleted uranium or HARRP is if their life depended on it? It's pathetic!

Boy the "Tolerant Left" sure turned out to be Tyrannical, didn't they? Well both words start with "T"'s, is there a Silver Lining? Private Property Rights? They couldn't care less about your private rights, "They" got theirs! "F$%K Everybody Else!" And the "Neo-Con's-Men" are even worse, even bigger hypocrites. Con's Men! Either Con Men or STUPID! Hard to say.

What a PATHETIC DISGUSTING MESS CALIFORNIA HAS TURNED INTO! Per Planning. PATHETIC! And while we're at it, let's defray the cost to your GREAT GREAT GREAT Grand Kids so we DON'T HAVE PAY FOR IT! PRAISE JESUS! Thank God we're getting Raptured? Gregg Lorie better be right, he was so sure this am? He doesn't know the first DARN thing about AB32, how dare him! He ought to be ashamed of himself. I feel sorry for all the illegals coming up here thinking it's going to be safer here then Mexico? That's yet to be seen -AB32 hasn't hit it's first goal yet. 2020 approaching fast.

What's Los Angeles going to do with it's $300 Million Dollar Deficit if it DOES NOT get bailed out? Revenue isn't going up, Hollywood's leaving? It's cheaper to film in Canada.

The "Neo-Con's-Men", formerly known to me as the Republicans, are just poor democrats, nothing more, nothing less. There is no longer any distinguishable difference to the Lay Person. No wonder they lost! No wonder people are still leaving this STATE like RATS off a SINKING SHIP! PA......THETIC!!!!!!

Thanks for writing.

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

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