Tuesday, March 12, 2013

The Korean War Is On!!! Vows North Korea

That's it, the cease fire is over. . .

North Korea declares 1953 armistice invalid

Saber rattling rose to new levels Monday on the Korean Peninsula as Pyongyang officials "scrapped" the armistice credited for nearly 60 years of uneasy peace and then failed to answer a hotline phone.

"The Korean Armistice Agreement is to be scrapped completely just from today," said a spokesman for the North Korean military -- the Korean People's Army Supreme Command -- according to Rodong Sinmun, the official newspaper of North Korea's ruling Workers' Party.

North Korea cited the U.N. Security Council's unanimous passage Thursday of tougher sanctions against Pyongyang for carrying out missile and nuclear tests.

"The collective sanction is precisely a declaration of war and an act of war against the DPRK," said the newspaper, using the initials of North Korea's formal name, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary


  1. Doug,

    I commented on this on another site as below. This has always been a worry of mine as it relates to NK

    Just a quick comment as to NK and the nukes. I have said in the past it is impossible to negotiate with mad men and even more so if one considers his or her own leaders mad, which I certainly do on many levels as to our President including his Anti-American stance towards everything including the usual lip service towards China and their little offspring, NK.

    However, my main concern as to North Korea is and has always been this. Rhetoric aside, NK does in fact have a nuke. NK does in fact have a delivery system with which to lob a nuke over the border into SK. And if memory serves, we have close to 35,000 troops stationed across that border. Doesn't really take a brain surgeon to realize a madman can cause serious problems and this scenario is one that has always worried me.

  2. North Korea cited the U.N. Security Council's unanimous passage Thursday of tougher sanctions against Pyongyang for carrying out missile and nuclear tests.

    Media Monitoring
