Sunday, March 03, 2013

Tyrannical, Overbearing Government? Remember Ruby Ridge? It happened then, and it can happen again.

Above reads:  August 21, 1992 -- Federal Agents scouted the Idaho forest for a place to ambush Randy Weaver, a man they suspected of selling illegally modified weapons.  They first encountered the suspect's teenage son and his friend in the woods, and engaged them in a firefight, killing Samuel Weaver.  The following day, while surrounding the family's secluded home, Federal snipers wounded Randy Weaver and shot his wife in the head as she held their infant daughter.  The Feds kept the property under seige for 10 days until the family surrendered.  Weaver was later acquitted of all serious charges.

Other interesting facts:  The son, by the way, engaged in a firefight with the agents because they did not identify themselves, and they shot his dog.  In fact, the agents never announced themselves.  The son was shot in the back as he was retreating for the house.

The wife was shot through a door. The feds had no visual, and could have shot the baby.

Weaver was acquitted because he had done nothing wrong.  They set him up because he was a separatist, and ultra-religious.

He dared to speak out against the government.  He dared to have a problem with a government that failed to abide by the Constitution.  He wanted his family to be away from the government, to live with no interference from the government.

The charge?  A sawed-off shotgun, of which a federal agent asked him to do.

This is what government is capable of.

And before the liberals reading this says, "Hey, that was under the presidency of a Republican, happening at the end of George H. W. Bush's time in office," understand that Bush Sr. was a very liberal republican, a "One World Government" guy, and a statist.  I don't care what the hell the party designation after your name is, if you are against the Constitution, against the principles of limited government, and support the progressive agenda (no matter the degree), you are the problem.

David Koresh in Waco, by the way, was a similar situation, and Clinton's people targeted them and wiped them out.

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:47 AM

    Amen. It's getting that way again, but very subtly, especially in our educational systems. Schools are all but gone to the socialist/communist side of the spectrum. So sad. A once great and independent nation has fallen to the whim of the few.
