Sunday, June 30, 2013

Creating Nephilim

By Douglas V. Gibbs

It seems to be not enough to reject the existence of God, and to disobey every one of his commands of which he put into place to protect us from our fallen human nature.  We are in the process of going far beyond the Tower of Babel where humanity aimed to build a tower tall enough to reach God.  We no longer seek God out, nor do we care about climbing the heavens to prove his existence, or his absence.  We have decided it is not enough to mock God, and question God.  We now endeavor to become God.

The best way to poke God in the eye with a stick, humanity has determined, is to mess with the realm that God is best known for - the realm of creation.  How better to disprove the existence of a Creator, than to replace Him?  As a society, we are disgusted with what science is doing, yet we say nothing as it happens.  Science Fiction has constantly provided us with tales of horror resulting from scientists playing God, yet we have this undeniable fascination that makes us do it, anyway.  We are seeking the singularity, where humanity evolves into some kind of utopian being that can do, and be, everything that God is - Creator, destroyer, and immortal.

We have become Frankenstein, and Jekyll, willing to go to any length to achieve our madness.  But rather than dig up bodies in a graveyard, sew body parts together in a dark and dreary lab, zap our monster with a bolt of lightning, or become instant monsters at the swallow of a special serum, we choose genetic manipulation.  In a sense, we have become Mr. Hyde, freeing ourselves from conscience, and acting upon our every whim.  We seem to be willing to do whatever it takes to become the giver of life, and the destroyer of life, using science as our method, and the good of the community as our excuse.

When we broke the code of human DNA, the event enabled humanity to begin unlocking secrets we never had access to before.  Our understanding broadened, but after opening a secret window into a place where only dreams once lay, because of our nature, we simply began to ask more questions.  Our questions, however, have ceased to be motivated by our desire to learn more about this wonderful universe God has given us to occupy for a short time in infinity, but instead about how we could selfishly push the envelope, twist creation, and decipher death.  Slaughtering millions of humans in some kind of orgy of a sacrifice of innocent blood is not enough for us.  Shattering moral barriers, with a total disregard for what is best for the survival of our species, is only the tip of the iceberg.  We want to touch everything, manipulate creation itself, and prove that God couldn't possibly exist, because how could He if we have become Him?

Cloning was only the beginning.  Whether we know it, or not, cloning is now a normal part of science, becoming as easy to accomplish as drawing blood from a wiggling mouse.  In fact, the scientific community recently congratulated itself once again, as a team in Japan cloned a mouse from a single drop of blood.  And now, with the blessing of the United Kingdom's fertility regulator, scientists in the U.K. are going to begin creating people from the DNA of three people, swapping out genetic material that may lead to genetic defects or diseases, and replacing that material with healthy DNA components from a third party.

I own the DVD of a film produced in 1997 that tackles what this kind of technology could lead to, in our rapidly liberalizing society.  Eugenics drives the fictional society, where science creates the master race by diagnosing and classifying the best genetic traits, and producing the children that will become "valids" based on that technology.  As a result, the "valids," being genetically superior to the children conceived by love, derisively known as "in-valids," qualify for the better jobs, and in turn live the better lifestyles.  The society breaks into two classes of "haves" and "have-nots," but in a way determined by genetics.  The battle over destiny, the will to overcome the handicap of being genetically inferior, and the consequences of technological developments in the world of genetics, serves as a center-piece for the film.

The natural conclusion of these games of science, however, may have an even more insidious result than Gattica, or today's critics of the mad mad world of genetics, could even predict.  Combined with the myth of man-made climate change, and the liberal cry for finding a way to curb our alleged over-population, moving people into the cities and away from rural areas as commanded by Agenda 21 is not enough.  If the population needs to be reduced, and scientists are figuring out ways to force the evolution of humanity through genetic manipulation, why wouldn't the growing power of bigger government not see that the best thing to do is to simply allow the more perfect humans to live, and those that are far from perfection, to die?

Gives you a whole new definition for death panels, doesn't it?

This kind of method of picking and choosing based on genetic superiority is nothing new.  And I am not talking about the practices of communist regimes, or the genetic experiments of Adolf Hitler, as he sought the perfection of his own master race, but in activities that are happening now, already, in our own society.

Over ninety percent of unborn babies diagnosed as being Down Syndrome, are aborted.  How long before we begin killing off babies with slight defects.  How long before we abort babies that would be considered perfectly healthy, but not good enough because they can't compete with the super-babies being created by genetic manipulation?

How long?

Humans have a propensity for pushing the envelope.  This is why opponents to gay marriage warn about the dangers of the government justifying the homosexual lifestyle.  Next, it will be polygamists.  Then pedophiles.  Then those that engage in beastiality.  There is no line in the sand if we are not willing to draw it.  The envelope always gets pushed, and liberalism always seeks the next barrier to break through.

In the biblical book of Genesis, Chapter 6, Verse 9, it is written, "These are the generations of Noah: Noah was a just man and perfect in his generations, and Noah walked with God."

Noah was perfect in his generations.  He was purely human, with his genetic ancestry not manipulated. In those days the world is as it is now, given to violence and disobedience to God, and with Man’s thoughts and imaginations so continually evil, it triggered God’s judgment on mankind. Mankind was so corrupted that God deemed it necessary to destroy man and start over again with Noah and his family.  Noah was chosen because of his faith in God, and the fact that his genetic line had been unaffected by an infiltration that had altered Man's genetic make-up, 

There were giants in those days, and they were nephilim.  We seem to be trying to create our own nephilim, but this time without the fallen angels.  We don't need to use demons.  Our evil transcends even them.

And what will happen when the scientists that are creating perfect beings through genetic manipulation achieve their goal?  What will happen to those that don't make the grade?  What happens to the remaining billions of people who were created through the more traditional manner?  When one considers the Left's desire for a massive reduction in population, one can only imagine.

We are creating our own nephilim, and we plan to replace humanity with them - and nobody is opposing such madness.  We have all fallen for the propaganda, and perhaps we, too, are curious of what humanity will become should the push to replace God remain on course.

Then again, some believe the genetic manipulators don't have that kind of time.  There are bigger things challenging humanity's existence, and as with Rome, collapse is beginning to happen from within - with or without a superior race of human beings.

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

Down Syndrome Births Drop in U.S. as More Women Abort - ABC News (ABC places number at 92%)

Genetic Armageddon - Defend and Proclaim the Faith

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