Monday, July 29, 2013

Worldwide Roman Perversion

By Douglas V. Gibbs

The Roman Empire collapsed from within.  Internal corruption, and immoral standards rotted the foundations of the great empire, and pillar by pillar the whole system collapsed.  An attempt to use religion to resurrect the empire was attempted, and the Holy Roman Empire fought to remain alive, but corruption from within, and a twisting of the Christian Church the empire had made its official religion, eventually led to the fall of the Eastern Empire as well.

The sins of the society caught up to them.  Man's way is the way to doom.  They practiced abortion, but took it even further than we've gotten to (though I am sure we are not too far away from this kind of madness), by allowing couples to kill their baby up to two years of age by leaving the child by the roadside to die from the elements. Underground Christians were fined and jailed for saving the babies by snatching them up and providing for them.

The empire also suffered from sexual perversion of a range from homosexuality to pedophilia.  Promiscuity was the norm.  The orgies of the time of Caligula are legendary to the secularists.

In today's society we offer an abortion pill to young girls for free, now, and want to punish religious institutions for not handing out contraceptives, including the abortion pill, for free.  Our culture has taken a turn for the worst, not just in the sense of homosexuality, but with the consequences of the sexual revolution as well, which is leading to even sexually explicit cartoons on a major television network.  Sex sells, and the "sexing" of our society has reached epic proportions.

We are either going to stop this and drop to our knees in revival, or the perversion of Rome will collapse not just America, but the entire world.

The real question is how long will the barbarity after the collapse last?  Are we setting a model for the future generations that pull this planet from the ashes to follow?  Or is the guy with the sign on the street right?  Is the End truly Near?

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

25 Signs American Women Are Being Destroyed by The Sexual Revolution and our Promiscuous Culture - Secrets of the Fed

Watchdog Group Denounces FOX Network's Decision to Air Sexually Explicit X-Rated Cartoons - I'm A Man! I'm 41!

Ted Cruz: America Needs A Spiritual Revival - Free Republic

Obama's Free Abortion Pills - Washington Times

Girls of Any Age Can Buy Morning-After Pill - The Blaze

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