Monday, August 26, 2013

Obama Federal Government to Tinker With College Costs. . . again

By Douglas V. Gibbs

The United States Constitution gives the federal government no authority to be involved with education.  Academia, however, is a very important tool in use for the progressive leftist liberal democrats.  The education system, from a person's first day of school until their graduation from college, is the perfect indoctrination system, and the Obama administration cannot allow the government's grip on those students to weaken whatsoever.  The cost must remain affordable.  The unconstitutional influence by government must increase.  After all, Obama and the democrats are working to eliminate all opposition, and what better way than to educate with their own ideology an army of youth for the future?

Sweeping reforms to federal aid regarding college education is in full swing, but Obama's plans create a scorecard system.  The better the school does, the more money it gets.  The poorer it does, the less money it gets.

In other words, teach the agenda to our approval, or a part of your funding goes bye-bye.

With scorecards what is important to the politicians, specifically the hard leftist politicians, will become the standard.  Of course, giving money to the democrat party will elevate some schools over others.  And the existing scorecards hosted by private organizations will go the way of the private health care industry (once Obamacare is done with it), and the government will have a monopoly on determining what is taught.

Then, they will turn on private institutions, and homeschoolers.

This is bad news, my friends.  Bad News Indeed.

Education Choice succeeds.  When government controls education. . . well, let's just say that was what Communist China, the Soviet Union, and Hitler's Germany did.

"When an opponent declares,
'I will not come over to your side.'
I calmly say, 'Your child belongs to us already…
What are you? You will pass on.
Your descendants, however,
now stand in the new camp.
In a short time they will know nothing
else but this new community.'" - Adolf Hitler
-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

What does Obama want to do with College Costs? - ABC News

4 Problems with Federal College Scorecards - Heritage Foundation

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