Friday, September 13, 2013

Syrian "Where's Waldo?"

by JASmius

So let's re-set the week's table:

1) On Monday, Secretary of State Thurston Howell IV blurts out that if Boy Assad turns over his entire chemical arsenal - a process estimated by people who actually KNOW how the process of disposing of chemical munitions actually WORKS to take as long as TEN YEARS - by the end of the week, the United States won't take decisive, unbelievably teeny-tiny gluon-sized military action to tickle the Assad regime.

2) Foggy Bottom, with some dim awareness of the magnitude of nincompoopery their boss has just committed, tears multiple hamstrings to get before microphones and issue statements downplaying the statement as "hypothetical" and "non serious," without once considering its source.

3) Vladimir Putin and Boy Assad guffawingly bellow, "TOO LATE!", pick up The Man Who Would Be The Ketchup King's drool-line, and toss it to the drowning Barack Obama, the only parts of whose anatomy are still floating at the surface of the metaphorical waters are those pontoon ears.

4) O clawingly seizes the drool-line like it was his seven iron, gratefully turns to Vlad and gushes, "Yes, sir, may I have another?", then pivots to the back nine.

5) Putin pre-empts Barry's usurpation of his victory lap with an end zone celebration for the ages.  (Hell, that may as well have been Vlad's Inaugural Address as the new PFLOTUS - President For Life of the United States.)

6) Assad, not to miss out on the fun, ups the ante by making as an additional pre-condition for his chemical disarmament that the Obama Regime must immediately cease and desist from arming the al Qaeda jihadists fighting against his government - which, of course, O can't acknowledge because that would lead right back to Libya and "Chris" Stevens' arms trafficking to Syria and Benghazigate, which, of course, officially never happened.

Aaaaaaand now - and you knew this was coming....:

A secretive Syrian military unit has been moving stocks of poison gases and munitions to as many as 50 sites to make them harder for the U.S. to track, American and Middle Eastern officials said on Thursday.

The movements of chemical weapons by Syria's elite Unit 450 could complicate any U.S. bombing campaign in Syria over its chemical attacks, the officials told The Wall Street Journal .

Further, the activity raises questions about the implementation of a Russian proposal that calls for the regime to surrender control of its stockpiles, they said.

Vector Sigma.

So, the inevitable exit question....(Last five seconds NSFW, but Doug should appreciate it)

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