Thursday, October 31, 2013

America's Second Biggest Lie

by JASmius

The second biggest lie in America is that the federal government needs more money and Americans don't pay enough in taxes. Its time to defeat the big lies.

I admire your spirit, Bill, but the lies of which you speak can and will never be "defeated"; that implies that the idea of more taxes and more spending can be destroyed; it can't, because there will always be a constituency for it.  In the same way, I'm pretty sure that the magnitude of power we would need to permanently suppress that constituency is unattainable and almost certainly unconstitutional.

So the Left's lies can't be defeated.  But they can be contained, and that's all we can ever really expect to accomplish.  And even that requires constant vigilance, which in and of itself runs counter to human nature.  Which is much of why Big Government is typically neither defeated nor contained.

You're right, the feds don't have the specific legal right to an ever escalating tap on our income and wealth - what's left of it anyway.  But they do have the power to seize it from us.  Always have, really.  It's the Obama Regime that has successfully detached one from the other.  And that, in turn, is why the Republic is fundamentally dead.

Which, in a sardonic, gallows-humor sense, is what will make your reaction to the results of any attempt to repeal the 16th Amendment so gosh darn amusing.  The Left would give up ObamaCare before they'd give up the income tax.  But they'd be overjoyed to add a national sales tax - or "fair tax," in your parlance - to it.  Which is the only way a "fair tax" will ever see the light of policy day.  And that doesn't seem like an outcome you would welcome.

It almost tempts me to call the idea of abolishing the income tax a "lie"; but that would be unfair.  It isn't a lie; it's simply a delusion.  But a glorious one.  "Aim high," as the Air Force used to say; you won't get your cherished dream, but there are plenty of lesser, attainable objectives to be had.  Like stopping that obnoxious black box car tax.

If you're willing to incrementally settle for them, that is.

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