Sunday, November 24, 2013

'A Cataclysmic Error Of Gigantic Proportions'

by JASmius

Okay, you would expect hard-left jurist but paradoxically pro-Israel hawk Alan Dershowitz to describe O's nuclear sellout to the mullahs that way.  And I've already gone on at some length about the highly unfavorable reaction to it, though my disinclination to do so in Dershowitz's case isn't from any urge not to pile on, but because he doesn't say anything new.  As Mr. Wilson used to tell Dennis The Menace, "I don't chew my cabbage twice".  Or once, even, since I detest cabbage.

But this reaction is noteworthy for its source alone:

Democratic Senator Charles E. Schumer of New York....released the following statement on the deal regarding Iran's nuclear program:

"I am disappointed by the terms of the agreement between Iran and the P5+1 nations because it does not seem proportional. Iran simply freezes its nuclear capabilities while we reduce the sanctions.

"It was strong sanctions, not the goodness of the hearts of the Iranian leaders, that brought Iran to the table, and any reduction relieves the psychological pressure of future sanctions and gives them hope that they will be able to gain nuclear weapon capability while further sanctions are reduced. A fairer agreement would have coupled a reduction in sanctions with a proportionate reduction in Iranian nuclear capability.

"The goal of the administration is to eliminate all of Iran’s nuclear weapons-making capability by the end of the final negations; it is still my hope they can achieve that goal.

No, Chuckie, it is not.  No American president could possibly have agreed to such a lopsided surrender if his goal was elimination of all Iran's nuclear weapons-making capability.  Barack Obama wants the mullahs to get nukes.  About the only thing he didn't do was gift what's left of America's arsenal to them.

"As for additional sanctions, this disproportionality of this agreement makes it more likely that Democrats and Republicans will join together and pass additional sanctions when we return in December. I intend to discuss that possibility with my colleagues."

Yet another instance over the past two months of Red Barry inspiring congressional bipartisanship....against him.  Although it's really a pyrrhic gesture, since O has already "warned" Congress against doing so and will veto any such sanctions legislation and ignore any veto override.

Yes, I know, Schumer is from New York, which has a significant Jewish constituency.  But it's still eye-opening for as obnoxious a Donk as Chuckie to throw down this public a gauntlet to his messiah.

Now we'll see if he follows through on it.

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