Thursday, November 07, 2013

Hell Hath No Fury Like A Stage-4 Cancer Survivor Scorned

by JASmius

Edie Sundby called it “condescending” for the Obama administration to tell the millions of people whose plans are being canceled that they are substandard to the ObamaCare plans. “I feel like I’m a loser in this because I’ve lost my medical insurance. […] But really I think the biggest loser here is trust and respect for government.”

In other words, the Big Government "brand" is the biggest loser in ObamaCare.  And that was before Dan Pfieffer flipped Mrs. Sundby the double-bird.

I wonder if she's still ticket-splitting her votes.

Oh, and the current count on individual plan cancellations is up to 4.2 million....

I like how Fox tints the cancellation states in blood red.  But I love how O is trying to hide from the public rage over the sticker shock and cancellations  "If only I - um, Secretary Sebelius - er, CGI - uh, the Tea Party, yeah, the Tea Party - hadn't screwed up the ACA web portal, y'all would see what a fantastic product we have for you!"  So "fantastic" he's making sure we have to buy it.  Because, of course, due to our severely limited mentalities, toddlers just haven't realized yet how much they need anti-smoking treatments, Rampage Jackson isn't aware of how much he'll enjoy those premium maternity benefits, and Mrs. Sundby doesn't know how much in handy that erectile dysfunction coverage will become.  If anybody could get through the damned web portal, or the toll-free number (800-F1UCKYO) which goes....through the web portal.

What would we do without Dear Leader?  Other than reside on the right side of history, that is.

What, you were expecting his mea culpa?  Good thing OCare includes mental health coverage, too.

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