Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Liberal Deception Exposed: Census and Unemployment Numbers

By Douglas V. Gibbs

A constant prediction on Political Pistachio regarding the liberal left, progressive, Democrat Party, commie bastards is that what they tell us is never the whole truth.  As sure as death and taxes, liberals lie.  I am convinced that Barack Obama's approval rating has been below George W. Bush's all-time low for some time now.  They never intended for you to be able to keep your doctor or your plan, and the unemployment rate is closer to 20% than it is to 8%.

Last year, right before the presidential election, the unemployment rate magically, and suddenly, dropped below 8%.  No incumbent president has ever been reelected with it over 8%.  It was strange, the sudden drop, and as the uninformed voters fell for the deception and reelected Barack Obama, conservative pundits across the nation, including yours truly, cried foul.  In fact, I had been crying foul from the beginning.  The democrats, since in power, have been doing what they can to manipulate the numbers so that the public would never realize how bad everything really is under their watch.

Now, someone has come forward to spill the beans.  The New York Post's John Crudele claims he has talked to a man that worked for the Census, and the news is exactly what we expected.

The man in question worked for the monthly Household Survey for the Bureau of Labor Statistics, and it is their survey from which we get the monthly jobless rate.  And he told Mr. Crudele that he was told by supervisors and guardians to just make up numbers.  The bean-spiller said he was told to say he had surveyed more households than he actually had.  That way, they could manipulate the jobless rate.

In August of 2012 the unemployment rate was at 8.1%, and it dropped to 7.8% in September.  So, as the campaign heated up, the rate suddenly became the lowest unemployment rate since Obama had been inaugurated.

But the real numbers never changed. The number of people falling out of unemployment, and joining the people in the out-of-work labor force, was continuing to climb. The number of jobs available was shrinking because people were leaving the job market, giving up searching.  But, since they were technically no longer collecting unemployment, they weren't counted (another manipulation of the numbers).

The labor force participation rate was going down, but we were told the unemployment was dropping because of a dismal rate of job creation. Impossible, we said.  The books were being cooked.  We were sure of it.

The economy was not growing, jobs available was shrinking, and yet the unemployment rate dropped from 8.3% in July, to 7.8%, just in time for uninformed voters to notice right before the election.

We knew they lied.  But lying comes natural to these people.  Look at Obamacare, and all the lies about Benghazi, as the election approached.  And that is not to mention the lies about how the IRS took out 500 Tea Party organizations to swing the election. The IRS, like the Census Bureau, was being run from the White House, and did not grant tax-exempt status to 500 Tea Party organizations.

Serial lies. They did not accidentally tell us a false thing.  These are purposeful political lies and misstatements. Calculated deception and fraud.

The media was complicit, as well.  They knew something didn't seem right, but it is all about the ideology.  The left places their agenda before the country, and before honesty.

And now we are being told that if the election were today, Mitt Romney would win the presidency. Never mind the fraudulent voting, and the corruption of the ballot box. I am not calling Romney a savior, mind you, I am just pointing out how deep the lies are.  The manipulation was so bad that it changed an election, by design, and in turn changed the future of this country.

The manipulation of the numbers is a way of life for the leftists.  It is normal fare for them.  The numbers were changing elections, and according to Mr. Crudele, the Census Bureau knew it.  "Just two years before the presidential election, the Census Bureau had caught an employee fabricating data that went into the unemployment report, which is one of the most closely watched measures of the economy. And a knowledgeable source says the deception went beyond that one employee -- that it escalated at the time President Obama was seeking reelection in 2012 and continues today."

The unemployment number being reported is a lie, and everybody in the Obama administration knows it.  We are not in the middle of massive job creation, yet the unemployment number is still coming down.
91.5 million Americans are not working.
The Republican Establishment is convinced the GOP is done, and can never win again, unless they ditch those darn conservatives. Yet, it is those darn conservatives that are the ones standing up to the Democrats, and are calling them for the deception they are guilty of.

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

Census ‘Faked’ 2012 Election Jobs Report - John Crudele - New York Post

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